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10 Tips For Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Beginners



10 Tips For Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Beginners

Screenshot: Atlus / Kotaku

If you’re a fan of the Persona series, you’ve probably fused a Mitama once or twice before. However, in Shin Megami Tensei V, Mitama are much more than generic demons. Instead, these are your equivalent to the Metal Slimes in Dragon Quest, or Audino in Pokemon Black & White. Mitamas drop valuable loot when defeated, including consumable items to level up your party and relics you can sell for cash.

You’ll occasionally see Mitama roaming the overworld. If you have a demon companion, they might dig up a Mitama when they spot points of interest too. The catch is that Mitamas resist all but one element that’s randomized every battle, and if you don’t kill it on turn one, it’ll most likely run away. This is another reason why Spyglasses are so valuable: they all but guarantee a successful encounter with a Mitama.

When you encounter a Mitama, have the Nahobino use a Spyglass. If it’s weak to an element that your active party can’t use, let the next party member switch out for one who knows the spell you need. Let the remaining party members use “Pass,” which will trigger extra turns that will let you wrap around to the ally whose spell you need. Defeat the Mitama, collect your rewards, and repeat whenever the opportunity arises.

Alternatively, the Almighty element essentially indicates that an attack is neutral. Enemies aren’t weak to it, but neither do they resist it. So once your party starts to learn some Almighty moves, you can use these during Mitama encounters as well.

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