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23 Recession-Proof Jobs



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Best Recession-Proof Jobs

Do you want to keep your job during a recession? Let’s talk about the recession-proof jobs that you can choose in any field. While no job is 100% recession-proof, certain career fields are impacted less during a recession.

During an economic slowdown or downturn, there are generally layoffs and fewer job offers. It is harder to get a job since many sectors get hit. Everyone will experience a recession differently, but it will impact most people. Whether you have high-income skills can become irrelevant quickly.

At any time a recession occurs, many are worried about their jobs. During the 2008 recession, the unemployment rate was over 10%. In the recent pandemic, the employment rates quickly rose to 14.7%. It has since come down to 8.4%, which is still significantly higher than the 3.5% before the pandemic.

Are you looking for career fields that are impacted less during a recession? While there is absolutely no guarantee, specific industries or professions are essential for our society. Here is a selection of recession-proof jobs at every skill level.

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1. Medical & Healthcare Professionals

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a registered nurse, doctor, assistant, or anything in between. Having a job in the medical and healthcare field is a great place to be during a recession.

Even when a recession hits, people will get sick, and health care is needed. Hospitals or clinics are a great career choice if you want to have job security. Plus, if you’re someone who has a nonmedical job in a healthcare clinic or hospital, you may benefit from this as well. As long as health care is needed, you will be as well.

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fizkes / istockphoto

2. IT Professionals

Technology is advancing daily, and we’re trying to benefit from that. Companies are improving systems to replace manual labor and save on expenses.

If you’re looking for a recession-proof job, working in the IT field is something to consider. People need help with their computers, phones and software more than ever before. Our world relies on technology and needs IT professionals to function.

3. Accountants & Auditors

Whether there’s an economic crisis or not, accountants and auditors have a relatively recession-proof job. As long as businesses will continue, they need an accountant to report their yearly numbers and check their books. With their qualifications and specific skill-set, job opportunities are all around.

Also, people who have an accountant file their tax returns will most likely still use that. It’s better to pay an accountant than to make a mistake that costs more than their rate.

Drazen Zigic/istockphotoDrazen Zigic/istockphoto

Drazen Zigic/istockphoto

4. Debt Management Professionals

An unfortunate side effect of a recession is that many are going into debt. People will add more money to their credit card balances, rack up more debt and need help managing it.

As a debt management professional, you help people reduce their debt and prevent bankruptcy from happening. You help people that need money now to reduce their debt.

Oranat Taesuwan/ istockphotoOranat Taesuwan/ istockphoto

Oranat Taesuwan/ istockphoto

5. Utility Workers

When we are talking about core services that we will always need, utility workers are providing them. We still need support in waste management, water, electricity and other utilities. Everyone is using these services daily, meaning there is constant and high demand.

The high demand combined with the aging current labor force means that there will be a labor shortage for years to come. If you’re looking for a recession-proof job, utility workers are high on the list.

6. Public Safety Professionals

Just as utility working, public safety professionals are crucial to society during any time in the economic cycle.

Working as an ambulance driver, firefighter or police officer makes you relatively recession-proof. It is also a great option when you are looking for a job where you can help others.

7. Federal Government Employees

If you work for the government, you have one of the most stable jobs there is. Government jobs will be influenced little by the economic cycles, as there is a constant need for them. Also, the government is a big organization that will not downsize the moment a recession hits.

When you are applying for jobs, check out the postings they have online. It is a stable career path for your work life. Don’t worry if you are an entry-level worker without a lot of work experience. You can choose from several jobs at all levels.

8. Teachers & Educators

People need education, no matter the state of the economy. Teachers are essential, even during times when learning takes different forms. It doesn’t matter whether you are providing online classes, the need for education is still there.

Stanford economist Caroline Hoxby found that colleges and graduate schools saw higher enrollment numbers during the Great Recession. People want to postpone their entry into the job market since there are fewer openings. They enroll in higher education instead.

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Credit: DGLimages / istockphoto

9. Delivery Services

Online shopping and delivery services have increased over the years. In the last couple of months, delivery services are booming. People want to avoid going to shops, and ordering your things online is easier than ever.

You can deliver groceries, clothes, household items, furniture and more. Everything that you have in your home, you can transport. The continued increase in people having things delivered makes delivery and courier services, one of the most recession-proof jobs out there.

Extra tip: Deliver groceries through Instacart. With Instacart, you can determine your own schedule, and you get paid to deliver food to peoples’ doorstep.

Omar Osman / istockphotoOmar Osman / istockphoto

Omar Osman / istockphoto

10. Auto Mechanics

Whatever the state of the economy, people still need to get their car fixed. While people will skip the smaller optional repairs, most auto repairs are mandatory to keep driving safely.

Many people wait to buy a new car and will get their current one repaired instead. Because older cars need plenty of maintenance, auto mechanics will not be bored.

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aijohn784 / istockphoto

11. Law Enforcement

If you are working in law enforcement, you have a job that won’t stop just because of a downturn. People still want to live in a safe environment, and laws need continuous enforcement. Whether you are a federal agent or a detective, your job will be relatively stable during recessions.



12. Corrections Professionals

Corrections professionals like corrections officers and parole boards are great recession-proof jobs. They often don’t see layoffs at all during a recession.

Just as in law enforcement, prisons operate as usual, and everyone involved will need to continue their work.

13. Judiciary Workers

When the economy experiences a downturn, everyone that is involved in the justice system stays employed. Whether you are a judge or work in a related service like the court’s security, you will keep working.

Currently, with the pandemic, some courts are closed or postponing services. It is not something related to an economic downturn, but rather to the current global health crisis.

14. Funeral Workers

Whether the economy is crashing or flourishing, funerals and cremations will continue. Certain families may go for the less expensive option, but there will still be enough work during a recession.

While this may not be your dream job, think about it in your search for jobs. If you’re looking for a new job or are unemployed, this field may be an opportunity for you.

15. Public Transport Workers

In big cities, public transport workers are always in high demand. People taking public transport to work may even increase during a recession, as some may have to get rid of their car.

Whether you drive the bus or sell train tickets, public transport workers will have relatively high job security when a recession hits.

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16. Grocery Store Workers

The moment a recession hits, people are slowly going to decrease their discretionary spending. They don’t buy things they don’t need, search for no spend ideas and look into at-home date night ideas. They’re staying in more and going out less.

When you cut down on how often you go out to eat, you will do more grocery shopping. While there are some quick tips to save money on groceries, you will still need to get groceries. If you’re looking for a job, a grocery store worker may be more stable than other jobs.



17. Pharmacists

Just like other healthcare services, pharmacists will see a steady stream of customers. People will still need their sleep medication or antibiotics. With the population aging, this can be one of the best recession-proof jobs for years to come.

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diego_cervo / istockphoto

18. Senior Care Professionals

The general population ages, creating more jobs for senior care professionals. People need assistance living in nursing homes and at home, even during a recession. People need quality elder care, unrelated to the current economic situation.

19. Mental Health Professionals

On the one hand, some people may stop their therapy sessions if their financial status is declining. On the other hand, when a recession occurs, many people are stressed out. It can cause more mental health problems and more marital problems. Some people will develop an anxiety disorder, while others will turn to alcohol.

Mental health professionals are crucial at the time a recession or economic downturn hits.

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istockphoto/Kateryna Kukota

20. Veterinarians

As with health care for humans, pets also need health care during recessions. While people do bring their pets to the vet, they do so less regularly. With people having more pets and spending 7% more on pet care every single year, we can conclude it’s a rather recession-proof job.

21. Actuaries

Actuaries help with the risk analysis of businesses. In normal economic circumstances, their jobs are necessary for companies to assess risks and hedge for them. In an economic downturn, analyzing risks is even more essential.

Actuaries help companies analyze the areas with high risk, the best places to cut costs, and increase efficiencies. In times of crisis, these are all valuable things to know. Generally speaking, actuaries will keep their jobs during an economic recession.

22. Marketers

Digital or not, marketers have a great shot at keeping their jobs during a recession. Most marketers will increase the investment made by companies. For every dollar companies spend on their marketing budget, they want to see more than that dollar returned.

For example, at my company, we have marketers who will return $1.50 for every $1 invested in the marketing budget. No matter how much money you put into it, you will get more out.

23. Divorce Attorneys And Mediators

During recessions, couples won’t stop getting divorced. As financial distress is one of the main reasons for divorce, recessions may increase divorce rates. On the other hand, financial hardship may keep couples together.

If you are a divorce attorney or mediator, you will still have enough work during downturns.

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Common Aspects Of Recession-Proof Jobs

Why are some jobs recession-proof while others aren’t? Plus, how is your specific job doing when it’s not on the list? Don’t worry. The fact that your job isn’t on the list doesn’t mean that you’ll get fired next week.

There are a couple of things to consider when you want to know if your jobs can survive a recession. Ask yourself:

  • Is your job essential for society? For example, without healthcare or public transport workers, there would be chaos quickly.

  • Are you filling a need? For example, people want to get their pets healthy again.

  • Do you need specialized training or experience? For example, IT professionals or accountants have specific education and experience that is hard to obtain quickly.

If you don’t answer yes to all three questions, don’t worry. There are so many jobs that are crucial to our society and general well-being. We simply weren’t able to list them all.

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fizkes/ istockphoto

Recession-Proof Jobs

While no job is 100% recession-proof, some jobs are more recession-proof than others. That said, recessions are hard and affect our society in many ways.

If you’re worried about layoffs or you already lost your job, go through the list of these best recession-proof jobs again.

See what jobs suit you and start to include those jobs into your job-search. Searching for a new job and job-hunting, in general, can be challenging.

Find career opportunities for a job you enjoy by checking online job boards, (online) job fairs, vacancies, and make sure you connect with recruiters.

Finding a job or finding employment depends on the career path you want to take. Check out the available jobs that are currently trending and looking for staffing. You may find your dream job that is entirely recession-proof!

This article was originally published on RadicalFire and syndicated by MediaFeed.

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