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5 Keys To Solving The Right Problems In Your Business



There is no doubt that today’s business challenges are more complex and global than ever, but I still see my peers and business leaders using the same strategies that worked for them years ago. Aspiring new business owners often sink millions into innovations and marketing plans that never get off the ground, and overlook simple details that cost them time, energy, and success.

For example, many businesses are currently struggling with getting their employees back to the office for work, to improve business productivity, accountability, and customer satisfaction. In fact, this challenge clearly has personal team considerations, as well as business implications. Many people prefer the flexibility and comfort of working from home, outweighing results and growth.

I’m not sure if the real problem here is business process or people management, or both, but there is certainly much room for error on both sides. As a consultant, I found some good strategies for not solving the wrong problem in a recent book, “Solve the Real Problem,” by Roger L. Firestien, PhD., from Buffalo State University, Innovation Resources, and other roles.

He has real credentials in academia, as well as problem-solving and innovation experiences with many businesses around the world. He offers some key recommendations that I also espouse for how to zero in on the root challenge and not waste large amounts of time and money you cannot afford:

1. Creative questions are key to problem definition. Focus on chains of fact-finding questions and judgement or decision questions to bring out solution ideas. In all cases, defer judgment and avoid excuses like “I don’t have time.” One good question can generate whole new fields of inquiry and can prompt changes in entrenched thinking.

Creative questions are also useful for exploring new business ideas. Just remember that solving customer problems is the challenge here, rather than internal problems. The process and the results are the same – starting with creative questions to find the real opportunity.

2. Adopt a more effective problem-solving mindset. Analyze your habitual approach to problem solving and be prepared to challenge your own assumptions. Avoid settling for symptoms as the problem or jumping to conclusions based on poor information or your own biases. Sometimes we get in our own way and end up working on the wrong thing.

This strategy also applies to new opportunities for customer growth as well as organizational problems. I still see too many technologists whose mindset is focused on the beauty of their innovation, rather than the problem it solves for customers.

3. Don’t trust or act on your first impression. We all make wrong judgments on first impressions, especially with recurring problems or with people who are of a different nationality, race, and ethnicity. First impressions are usually wrong, especially if they are made in an emotional environment, under time constraints, or with too little information.

4. Get an outside perspective with no agenda. The best way to get an outside perspective is to tap into people who run in circles different from your own. Look for “creative catalysts” who can provide a fresh perspective on the problem and potential solutions. Beware of experts in the relevant technology who may have their own biases.

5. Look for the bigger picture, not minutiae. Make sure that you don’t become unable to see the “forest for the trees” by looking only at a few details of the problem. Consciously step back and take a broader view of the challenge ahead. This approach also builds alignment with related perspectives and issues, and results in better long-term solutions.

In the real world, my experience is that none of these strategies will work without conscientious business leadership, committed team members, a positive business model, and a viable customer opportunity. Your team also needs the creativity skills and training to properly diagnose problems and challenges, generate solutions, and put these solutions into action.

I encourage all of you to recognize that every business in today’s world will encounter challenges and world-class problems. Thus it behooves all of us to continuously update our business problem-solving strategies, support a culture of innovation, and keep moving forward in your quest to make the world a better place, and enjoy the journey to get there.

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