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5 Things You Can Do for World Nature Conservation Day –



5 Things You Can Do for World Nature Conservation Day –

World Nature Conservation Day is July 28th. It is more important than ever to speak up and make your voice heard for our nation’s rivers. We know there is a lot going on in the world that can make it overwhelming to figure out what you can do to help. That’s why we have put together 5 simple things you can do this World Nature Conservation Day to make an impact in your community and nationwide. 

1. Take Action: Sign our Clean Water Petition

Water is a basic need. Everyone, no matter where they live, deserves clean drinking water. Please join us in asking Congress to recognize the value all streams and wetlands have in the process of providing us with clean water. These waterways deserve federal protections, and Congress must come together to make it happen. 

2. Take part in or create your own river clean up through our National River Cleanup ® program

National River Cleanup® is a key initiative for American Rivers. Since its inception in 1991, we have covered more than 261,000 miles of waterways and removed more than 32.5 million pounds of litter and debris. Set up a cleanup in your community today! 

3. Sign up to download the American Rivers Election Guide

This upcoming election is a pivotal moment where we have the opportunity to shape a future in which our rivers thrive and our communities prosper. Download the American Rivers Election Guide so you can be a confident voice for rivers in November.

4. Learn about the top 10 years to conserve water at home

There are a few simple things you can do at home — Fix leaks, turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth — to ease the burden on your local water supply and save money in the process. These water-saving measures can have a big impact on water demand in your local community.

5. Share your favorite river!

Leave a comment here and share your favorite river and why you love it. If someone else has mentioned your river or a river you love, share your story with them. We are all connected by our waterways, let’s prove it! 

One small action each day adds up to make a big impact over time. Share this list with your family and friends and revisit these actions when you can. Healthy rivers are for everyone, not just a privileged few. We are in this together, and it will take all of us in this movement to protect rivers and preserve clean water. 

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