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5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On May 31



5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On May 31

A sweet day is ahead for everyone on Friday, May 31, 2024. Not only is it the last day of the month, but the energy on this day is all about love and recognizing who loves you. After all, anyone can be tagged by familiarity, but do they truly care? The answers will set your soul free. While everyone is urged to be mindful of truth and lies, five zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on Friday when they lean into this message.

First, we have the North Node in Aries opposite Lilith in Libra standing out as a cosmic benefactor. This is a powerful connection because the North Node always brings life-changing consequences. If you remain true to yourself and your vision, you can find your blessings under this influence, so don’t allow peer pressure to turn you into someone you cannot recognize at the end of the day. 

Sun in Gemini adds weight to this message by reminding us that Gemini energy may be perfect at adapting to different environments. Still, it always knows exactly what it wants underneath it all. The execution just comes across as charming and friendly — try that, too.

Finally, Moon conjunct Saturn in Pisces indicates that fun and games must be balanced with a life purpose that gets us excited about getting out of bed each day. So, if you haven’t discovered yours yet, now’s the time to do so. Journaling can definitely help in this process.

Now, let’s focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on May 31, 2024.

1. Aries

wulano and Icons8 / Canva

Aries, they say beauty lies within because superficial definitions of beauty are so different from culture to culture. Remember this on Friday because your cosmic blessings depend on this. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel small or weird for dressing the way you like or speaking in your specific accent. You are you, and they are they. And that’s okay.

You are also encouraged not to be blatant about your opinions on this day. Drop hints, and allow the other person to show you whether they are capable of deeper conversations or too shallow for that effort. This is especially true for your love life, so observe closely!

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2. Leo

leo best horoscope may 31 wulano and Icons8 / Canva

Leo, if you feel the need to draw away from people and just spend time doing the things you like in the comfort of your home, do it. Don’t explain or justify this need. That’s your boundary, which you get to draw without feeling guilty (even if it’s a Friday). Your cosmic blessings will unfold if you double down on this.

On this day, you are also encouraged to lean into nostalgia. Whether you re-watch a favorite TV series, re-read a favorite book, or play a game you haven’t played in years, now’s the time to nourish your soul with proper rest and rejuvenation.

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3. Sagittarius

sagittarius best horoscope may 31 wulano and Icons8 / Canva

Sagittarius, the energy on Friday for you is all about taking a break from the hard work of everyday life and just allowing your soul to relax. If you are overburdened with responsibilities, ask yourself if you have chosen them or are being exploited by those who don’t wish to share the burden with you. The cosmic forces have got your back, so choose yourself!

Also, if you live near a body of water, you are encouraged to spend some time in it, even if all you do is dip your toes and just watch the sunset. Swimming in a pool or submerging yourself in a bath are some alternatives. This activity will sensitize your intuition and bring up insights from deep within.

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4. Pisces

pisces best horoscope may 31 wulano and Icons8 / Canva

Pisces, if you are scared of trying something new, ground yourself and breathe. The cosmic forces are urging you to set off on a new adventure. Big and beautiful surprises await you on that path, especially on Friday!

Also, if you feel called to, engage with word games and riddles. They will unlock more facets of your core self and also help your soul relax and breathe. It’s time to strike the right balance between hard work and play.

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5. Aquarius

aquarius best horoscope may 31 wulano and Icons8 / Canva

Aquarius, your love life is highlighted for Friday, especially if you are confused about the future of a relationship and whether you should stay or go. Meditate in silence or just breathe. It will help you ground yourself and find the answers that are right in front of you.

You are also encouraged to lean into nostalgia, especially childhood games, to help you heal your soul and find peace. Steer clear of active conflict while you are at it. It may take you a few tries, but you will know what to do as soon as you look within.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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