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From Surviving As A Refugee To Thriving At Business School



From Surviving As A Refugee To Thriving At Business School

The global refugee crisis continues to escalate at an alarming rate. There are now over 100 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, according to recent data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

As the number of those faced with no other option but to abandon their homes and livelihoods in search of safety continues to climb, so too does the number of business professionals in these regions who have experienced life being turned on its heads. Many have gone from thriving, to simply surviving.

While the key priority for such individuals is safe relocation and protection of themselves and their families, once this has been established, the focus for many shifts to considering how to continue their career, or develop new skills in order to better secure their futures.

Business schools recognize their potential to help refugees. They can provide scholarships and innovative programs to improve access to education and work for refugees. They are also engaging with refugee communities through workshops and research collaborations, recognizing the value refugees can bring to society.

In recognition of World Refugee Day, here are stories of inspiring individuals who have continued their education, many with the help of scholarships which help ensure that there is no barrier to entry for refugees who want to learn.

From successful entrepreneur to starting afresh

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Maryna Salomatina was running a successful business distributing professional cosmetics. The venture had been a major undertaking of dedication and effort. “The war took this stability away, as well as everything else important to me,” she recalls.

As the sirens first rang out in Maryna’s home town, she jumped in her car with her children and a few personal belongings, deciding that the safety of the family was the number one priority. Together they travelled over 1,500 miles, eventually arriving in the safety of Germany. But their struggles were far from over.

“I faced typical problems for many refugees: the language barrier, unfamiliarity with German laws, and the difficult adaptation for children. However, for me, the most challenging aspect was the distance from family and friends who remained. Every time an air raid siren sounded in Ukraine; my heart broke. This emotional shock, this constant division of oneself between two countries, is perhaps the invisible scar that many refugees carry.”

Once Maryna had settled, her focus turned to how to find a job in the unfamiliar German corporate environment. She did not want to start a business again from scratch, but despite having an entrepreneurial background and a Masters in digital marketing, Maryna was struggling to secure interviews. To tackle this, she began exploring further education options at business schools. She became aware of the BMW Group Change Maker Fellowship at ESMT Berlin – a scholarship for female refugees, applying and becoming one of the 10 Ukrainian women to start studying at ESMT on the Global Online MBA.

The program, Maryna says, is intense. “It was quite difficult to juggle three languages: teaching at business school in English, at home in Ukrainian, and everyday life in German”. But her perseverance has paid off. She credits the MBA for reinvigorating her career trajectory by helping her to secure a manager role in fashion retail.

“I have been able to transition into a data-driven, customer-centric, strategic business leader role,” Maryna shares. “This newfound knowledge and expertise not only helped me excel in my current position but has also opened doors to new opportunities.”

The MBA has also provided Maryna with the tools to help those still in Ukraine. “I’m developing social projects to support refugees and aid in rebuilding efforts. My goal is to create a positive ripple effect. By leading these projects with compassion and strategic thinking, I hope to inspire others – both in business and in communities affected by conflict.”

Maryna believes other refugees should contemplate higher education opportunities in their new countries – not only to help them find their feet, but also to better share their experiences and perspectives with others.,“Remember, your unique background is not a disadvantage—it’s a profound asset. The resilience, adaptability, and global perspective you’ve gained are exactly what today’s business world needs. You understand viscerally what it means to navigate change, rebuild from scratch, and connect across cultures. These aren’t just nice-to-have skills, they’re essential for modern business leaders”, she says.

A chance ticket to the United States helps this refugee

Ema Pasic Reid’s journey as a refugee began at the age of just 14, fleeing the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina with her family to escape the turmoil that had engulfed their homeland. Ema had previously spent a year in the United States with her family, before moving back to Sarajevo. She had plans to return to Louisville to visit friends, and had bought tickets to the Kentucky Derby months in advance.

“We moved back to Sarajevo with hopes of living there for the rest of our lives,” Ema says, “but over the course of the next two years the war really started to pick up.”

As the war continued to erupt, Ema and her family returned to the US, believing it would soon blow over. They packed clothes for just a two-week vacation, but soon realized they could not return, and decided to make a life for themselves as refugees in the US.

“When we think of refugees, we often see people in tattered clothes crossing our borders, or packed like sardines on a boat, because that’s all we see,” she said, highlighting the misconceptions surrounding refugees. Her story was not just about survival, but about thriving against the odds.

Ema faced numerous challenges, from navigating a new culture and language to the abrupt disruption of her education. Yet, her determination carried her through. She went on to complete her Bachelor’s degree at Northwestern University, and after an early career in brand marketing she pursued an MBA at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business.

With a Forté Foundation Scholarship, Ema shone during her two years at Tuck, winning awards for extraordinary leadership and effective management communication. Her summer MBA internship at New Balance in Boston has since led to a flourishing career with the sporting goods manufacturer, where she is now Director of Corporate Strategic Planning.

Ema hopes to use her education and experiences to give back, aspiring to support other refugees in their educational and professional journeys

“Education is something no one can take away from you,” she reflects. “It opens up new perspectives and helps you step outside of the ‘box’ of a refugee mentality. My journey from Sarajevo to the U.S. was filled with challenges, but it has made me who I am today. As I move forward, I want to help others like me find their path and realize their potential.”

From Africa to Italy

At the age of 14, Benitha Nzayanga Mugisha fled with her family from Burundi to Kenya, to escape prolonged insecurity for her family related to political issues, which had also led to the loss of their property.

Benitha also faced a number of challenges, from the language barrier, to moving from a close-knit community to knowing no one, and the disruption to her education. However, she was determined to overcome them all. Benitha’s dedication enabled her to complete her Bachelor’s degree at Southern New Hampshire University, and go on to earn a full scholarship to study her Masters at Bocconi University in Italy.

Benitha is now in the first year of her Masters in Marketing Management, supported by a scheme called UNICORE – the University Corridors for Refugees, which helps African refugees gain higher education opportunities in Italy.

“It was my mother who motivated me at first. I was sceptical, but a refugee friend who wanted to apply also helped convince me so I started the process. Education is and was important. I then realized getting further higher education would be a crucial steppingstone to achieving my aspirations,” says Benitha.

Whilst the early days of studying at Bocconi were challenging for Benitha, the services provided by the university helped her to settle in, find housing and connect her with other refugee students.

Benitha would like to continue her career in Italy after graduating, but has plans to eventually return home. “I’d like to go back to Africa and use the knowledge and experience to help others like me and give them opportunities like I have had.

At some point, Benitha would also like to be a donor to UNICORE herself, extending a helping hand to other refugee students.

“Education is important,” she explains. “It takes you onto further stages of life, opens up new perspectives and helps you step outside of the box of a refugee mentality. As a refugee, at the age of 14, I lost everything I had and had to start over. But education is something no one can take away from you. And, if you then go into the business world, always think of the wider impact you can have on others.”

Global citizen to refugee

Mounir Nasri describes himself as a Syrian-Canadian-Armenian. He was born and raised in Saudi Arabia where he went to an Italian and an American school, before moving back to Syria with his parents. However, due to the war he spent much of his time in Lebanon, before seeking refuge in Canada.

“The decision was fairly quick and driven by necessity rather than choice,” he recalls. “One of my best friends got kidnapped, and the shelling basically reached the balcony of my bedroom. I was finishing my first year of university and at one point it was extremely dangerous to simply commute to school. That’s when I knew that I needed to leave and find a safer place to live,” he shares.

After finding safety and stability in Toronto, Mounir was keen to return to education, applying to study the Master of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. “I wanted to further develop my skills, expand my network, and pursue a graduate degree in an area that I deeply care about and that allows me to find and build meaningful opportunities in different spaces. The Smith School of Business was the right place for that,” he says.

It was not only Smith that felt right to Mounir, who believes the diversity of Toronto and the welcome of Canada helped him to call the country his home. Today he is a Canadian citizen, and co-founder of Techfugees Canada, which uses technology to foster access to affordable housing to newcomers in Toronto.

To other refugees looking to take a similar journey, Mounir says “your perspective, experience, and what you have to offer to the world is extremely valuable. Don’t ever underestimate that.”

He also encourages refugees to be bold in their pursuits. “One of the best pieces of advice that I’ve received is that if you don’t ask, the answer is always going to be no,” he says. “If you need something, ask for it. Ask for support and communicate your needs properly, and you’d be surprised how many ordinary people and citizens are willing to give their time to help.”

Most importantly, he encourages refugees to be open to change. “Never miss an opportunity to learn or to connect with someone who can offer a new way of seeing the world,” he says.

Working at the United Nations to seek refuge

In 2009, Nisreen Mehho’s life and career trajectory were on a steady upwards climb. She graduated from the University of Aleppo and then worked for three years at the United Nations as an advisor in the field of microfinance for women’s projects. But then, in 2011 the uprising against the Assad regime in Nisreen’s home country of Syria, forced her to abandon all of this and flee, seeking refuge in the Netherlands.

Getting to the Netherlands was just the first part of a difficult journey for Nisreen and her husband. “The big challenge was the language of the country and how to express myself in a society that does not know much about my culture except some stereotypical images and stigmas,” Nisreen recalls.

“Moreover, I suffered a lot from nostalgia for my days in my country and with my family. It was difficult to translate my feelings as an asylum seeker, even though we, as human beings, express our feelings in the same way.”

After struggling to settle into the Netherlands, Nisreen decided to pursue further education. She chose Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) after the Foundation for Refugee Students nominated her join the Change Management program there. Since completing the full-time MBA, Nisreen took on a role with the government agency, UWV which helps individuals to find work and create a society in which everybody can participate.

For other refugees seeking a higher education, Nisreen advises optimism. “Take good care of yourself, because life always has difficulties,” she says, “and look positively at those difficulties – they may bring you opportunities to be in a better place.”

Learning to stand up for yourself

Ali Jahangiri is a well-known stand up comedian in Finland, winning awards for his comedy acts and documentaries. But there was little to laugh about as a young boy.

Ali was just 10 years old when he travelled from his home country of Iran to Finland in order to seek refuge. He found the transition difficult. “Growing up in a poor suburb of Vantaa, Finland, I started working at the age of 13 to help my parents cover living expenses,” he shares.

The decision to move to Finland from Iran was abrupt, with Ali’s parents waking him up in the night to flee. At the time, Ali says the biggest challenge was “Learning the language and finding new friends,” though playing basketball for his town’s local team through his teenage years helped.

Looking back, there were other experiences that left their mark. “I became the family caretaker as I was the first to learn the language. I had to translate my parent’s doctor appointments, social care meetings and other events that a normal 10-year-old would not have to face.”

After high school Ali was accepted to the Finnish military academy, but his parents refused his entry. “They did not flee one war to see their son join another military,” he explains.

Instead, Ali went on to study the Bachelor’s programme in Business Administration and MSc Economics and Business Administration at Aalto University School of Business, before securing a role in a consulting firm. He mixes comedy with leadership development training and event production.

For other refugees, Ali says they should not give up. “It’s a lot of work, but you will make it,” he says. “I became an established comedian and an entrepreneur, and my brother studied to become a medical doctor and has also started his own company.”

Learning the skills to prepare for a new future

Anas Darkoushy left his hometown of Damascus, Syria to Germany when the war broke out, but travelling away from conflict does not always guarantee immediate safety.

“The journey was a dangerous one, hence me taking it by myself initially, with plans for my family to join when a safer route was possible,” he explains. “My family were able to join 10 months later in Germany, where we sought refuge and now call it home.”

Anas had worked in Syria in a number of telecommunications and management roles, but after the move to Germany he had to start his career again. One of the biggest struggles he has found is communicating with people from a different culture.

“The German language is not that kind of language which you can learn quickly,” he says. “Communicating with the German people in their language can open many doors, and therefore I tried, and I keep doing my best to become professional in German.”

Anas already had a Bachelor of Business Administration with a focus on Finance and Investment from Tishreen University in Syria, But he decided to take on the Part-time MBA at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in order to build his skills, business understanding and connections for a career in his adopted country.

“I’ve learned a lot from my MBA,” Anas says. “Managerial and leadership skills, learning how to run a start-up, blockchain technology, digitisation and AI applications and understanding the core concept of M&A and Investment,”, all of which he believes have been useful for his career at WI Bank.

“There are plenty of opportunities to study waiting to be picked up,” Anas says in relation to other refugees. “Get ready to learn the skills that can prepare you for your future. Once you find your future perspective, you will surely find a way to defeat all the battles you face to achieve your dream.”

Once an entrepreneur, always an entrepreneur

Nour Mouakke always wanted to start his own business, but it was as aspiration he thought would be out of his reach. Originally from Aleppo in Northern Syria, Nour grew up struggling but managed to secure a place at Aleppo University, where he worked in hospitality, building his way up to cover different management roles at hotels.

However, the desire to become an entrepreneur encouraged him to chase his passion for music and set up a successful event agency. Nour organised music festivals and concerts in across the country until 2009, when he decided to travel to Durham University Business School to study a Masters in Marketing.

Unfortunately, whilst studying in the UK, war broke out back home, leading Nour to seek refuge and stay in the UK, continuing his studies.

As a natural extrovert he says he found the transition to the UK easier than most however two challenges stand out clear in his memory. The first of these was British weather.

“Durham is often very rainy. I could not comprehend how Northern people would be walking around in shorts in the freezing cold!”. The other challenge was the infamous accent of the region, Geordie. “I remember arriving and speaking to a lovely woman in a local shop on my first day and not understanding a word she said – however you soon get used to it.”

Overall, Nour says he loved every single minute of his study experience. For refugees looking to study, Nour says they should make the most of the opportunities that are to hand.

“Studying in another country, like the UK, is a fantastic way to broaden your horizons. I’d also suggest networking and building as many relationships as possible if you do study abroad and learn about as many cultures as possible – not only where you are living, but those of your classmates,” he recommends.

We’re lucky to have them

Reflecting on a talk that she gave during her MBA at Tuck, Ema Reid says her aim was to humanise the refugee through her own story.

“We’re deeply suspect of their motivations and genuinely question what they’re doing here in our country, stealing our jobs. We often scorn, ‘Why don’t they just go back home?’

But as my story hopefully highlights, they don’t have a home to return to. … And if they’re lucky enough to escape, and they find themselves here in the U.S., then to be honest we’re incredibly lucky to have them.”

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