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Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: July 1-7



Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: July 1-7

Welcome to your Queer Weekly Horoscope, a bite-sized look at the coming days broken down by your zodiac sign.

Well, we survived Pride Month but July launches off with a whole complicated mess of feelings! Neptune turns retrograde, limiting our potential for delusion but also disconnecting us from intuition. Mercury teams up with Neptune very briefly, then bounces out of Cancer to join Leo, where Mercury proceeds to make pals with shadow ruler Lilith and shun Pluto. The Sun disdains both the future and the past, beefing with the Nodes of the Moon’s orbit. Desire-ruling Venus craves organization in partnership with Saturn, but cruelly rejects any offer of help from Chiron the healer. Action-driving Mars makes friends with disciplined Saturn, which would usually be a good thing, but there’s a chance that many of us might use that energy to avoid destiny and healing this week. At least the New Moon in Cancer offers a chance for renewal!

We’ll start the weekly horoscope with Cancer, then continue until every sign’s woes have been addressed. If you know more of your placements than your Sun Sign alone (Moon, Rising, Mars, etc.), check their entries as well to get a full picture of your astrological forecast.

What the stars are up to:

  • The Sun and Venus are in your sign.
  • The Sun squares off against the Nodes of the Moon’s orbit.
  • Venus creates a trine with Saturn and squares off against Chiron.
  • Mercury begins the week in your sign, where it creates a trine with Neptune. Then, Mercury leaves your sign and moves to Leo.
  • Your sign ruler the Moon travels through Taurus, Gemini, your sign, and Leo.
  • The New Moon in your sign passes through conjunction with the Sun and Venus, creates trines with Saturn and Neptune, and forms sextiles with Mars and Uranus.

What it means:

The New Moon in your sign always represents a profoundly powerful opportunity for you. This week, it arrives on the heels of some self-defeating impulses, which find you trying to squash your emotions and avoid healing. That’s an unnatural undertaking for a Cancer. You’ll be aware that you’re behaving strangely while you’re doing it… even if you can’t quite make yourself stop. Take advantage of the New Moon for a reset, and let the deep sense of self-familiarity it inspires flood through your mind and return you to a state of emotional flexibility.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler the Sun is in Cancer.
  • The Sun squares off against the Nodes of the Moon’s orbit.
  • Mercury leaves Cancer and moves to your sign.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Lilith and opposes Pluto.
  • The New Moon passes through conjunction with the Sun in Cancer.
  • The waxing crescent Moon in your sign opposes Pluto, passes through conjunction with Mercury, and forms a sextile with Jupiter.

What it means:

Wow, this is a lot! The New Moon promises a new beginning, but on some deep subconscious level you fear that a fresh start might threaten to wipe out your hard-won self image. So instead, you fight against fate and necessary change, retreating defensively to your dark side in the hope of clinging to present circumstances that are already slipping away. Try to relax your grip and let go! After the Moon begins waxing in your sign, you’ll finally be able to talk to yourself about your feelings, and you’ll eventually reach a tentative state of comfort with your situation.

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Mercury begins the week in Cancer, where it creates a trine with Neptune. Then, Mercury leaves Cancer and moves to Leo, where it forms a sextile with Lilith and opposes Pluto.

What it means:

Lilith has moved next door to Libra, and your sign ruler Mercury reaches out to initiate a friendly chat with the shadow ruler. Though Lilith is no longer occupying your slice of the sky, this week you realize that you still retain everything Lilith taught you during your time together. You can still say no! You can still set boundaries! You can still be selfish — in a good way — but occasionally you still may need to check that you’re not over-enthusiastically stomping across the line into villainy. The farthest point of the Moon’s orbit may have moved on to wreak havoc on Libra, but the lessons Lilith imparted to you will remain with you forever.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Lilith and the South Node are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Cancer.
  • The Sun squares off against the South Node.
  • Mercury forms a sextile with Lilith.
  • Venus creates a trine with Saturn and squares off against Chiron.

What it means:

Lilith isn’t a physical entity, it’s a coordinate: the most distant point of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth. Astrologically, Lilith governs the psychological shadow, and its presence in your sign can encourage you to behave destructively. You don’t have to listen to Lilith’s urges, but this week you’ll certainly be tempted to do so. Bad whispers might sound almost reasonable as you avoid self-examination and healing. Try to resist them.

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
  • Mercury opposes Pluto.

What it means:

Mercury disdains systemic change this week, but I’m going to take this opportunity to fire off my hot take on the “Pink Pony Pawpaw,” nonetheless — the older fan of Chappell Roan who has taken over FYPs everywhere. It’s beautiful that this guy is enjoying music of a genre most people would apparently not expect him to prefer based on surface appearance. It’s also poignant and necessary to reflect on the violence and devastation that has robbed the queer community of so many of our elders. But y’all? Filming someone without their knowledge, posting the footage without consent, and then inventing a collective fanfic based on their appearance is just, like… I don’t feel good about it, babes! It makes me feel full-on bad!

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I’m an Angel Wings sun, Bonnaroo rising, and Lady Liberty moon.

I occasionally enjoy attending restaurants, movies, and concerts on my own, and a few decades down the line in Pink Pony Pawpaw’s place, I would be absolutely horrified if I learned that my fun night out was put on blast as some sort of maudlin elder folktale that causes youths on TikTok to weep. Please, let’s just leave this man alone to have a good time! We don’t know his story, and even if the assumptions made about him by internet strangers who have viewed the video are correct, he should not be bullied into sharing his experience via the pressure of virality. Furthermore, the label Pink Pony Pawpaw might not even resemble this guy’s reality at all! The TikToks and tears are well meant, I realize, but good grief. Other people are not content fodder! Let’s treat everybody who is minding their own business like a Scorpio and allow them the sanctity of their privacy, even — and maybe especially — in the safe space of queer pop concerts.

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Gemini.

What it means:

Here is a direct quote I heard from the mouth of a Sagittarius yesterday, delivered unprompted and in total earnestness: “There’s something about true randomness that is very comforting.” I’m not exactly sure what’s gonna happen with y’all this week, but obviously, that’s okay. Have fun out there!

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What the stars are up to:

  • Your sign ruler Saturn is retrograde in Pisces.
  • Venus creates a trine with Saturn.
  • Mars forms a sextile with Saturn.

What it means:

Some signs are struggling at the moment — but not you! The rulers of desire and action both get friendly with your sign ruler, Saturn, which itself is the boss of ambition and organization. You’re going to get your business together to stunt in the faces of the imaginary audience you daydream about to motivate yourself with the threat of their (also imaginary) judgment. Spend this week forcing those fools to watch you succeed with nonchalance and ease.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
  • Mercury opposes Pluto.

What it means:

Nobody wants to talk about the necessity of systemic change this week, which means your conversation starters are likely to be received unenthusiastically. Oh well! You can still think your thoughts inside of your own head all you want, and no one can forestall them with a groan or an eye roll.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Saturn is retrograde in your sign.
  • Your ruler Neptune is in your sign. On Tuesday, Neptune turns retrograde.
  • Mercury creates a trine with Neptune.
  • Venus creates a trine with Saturn.
  • Mars forms a sextile with Saturn.

What it means:

Your ruling planet of intuition turns retrograde and becomes a bit distant and unreliable, along with the already retrograde representative of discipline in your sign. Just as your senses of responsibility and instinct clock off for the summer, you’re overwhelmed with a longing for connection with both. Never fear! You can still manage to achieve goals, as long as you adjust your expectations! You need to move carefully over the next months, and make choices with intention, rather than trusting whimsical impulses.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Chiron and the North Node are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mars is in Taurus.
  • The Sun squares off against the North Node.
  • Mars forms a sextile with Saturn.
  • Venus squares off against Chiron.

What it means:

Wow, you’re in for a goddang gauntlet of difficulty! You’re uncharacteristically resistant to facing your own destiny at present. You enjoy a surge of energy to set your life in order, but you are adamantly not interested in healing right now. You are your own worst enemy this week, and unfortunately you’re a formidable foe.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Mars and Uranus are in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Venus is in Cancer.
  • Venus creates a trine with Saturn and squares off against Chiron.
  • Mars forms a sextile with Saturn.
  • The waning crescent Moon in your sign forms sextiles with the Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune; and passes through conjunction with Mars and Uranus.

What it means:

Your greatest danger during the first week of July is a self-destructive desire to pick at scabs. Put on a pair of mittens if you have to, just try to stop yourself from scratching! Outside of the itchy-scritchy impulse, everything is going great. You’re in tune with your own personality, wants, ambitions, and instincts, and you feel particularly aligned with your powers of motivation and creativity. If you just focus your actions outward, you can really get some impressive stuff done.

Your Queer Weekly Horoscope July 17

What the stars are up to:

  • Jupiter is in your sign.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury begins the week in Cancer, where it creates a trine with Neptune. Then, Mercury leaves Cancer and moves to Leo, where it forms a sextile with Lilith and opposes Pluto.
  • The waning crescent Moon in your sign forms a sextile with Mercury, creates a trine with Pluto, passes through conjunction with Jupiter, and squares off against Saturn and Neptune.

What it means:

You’re slated for powerful communion with self knowledge… and then a compulsion to use this understanding for mischief and mayhem. That all happens on Tuesday, and if we’re being honest, it sounds like a pretty typical Tuesday for you. The Moon washes a yearning for change and expansion into your sign, but you’re absolutely determined to avoid accessing any abilities of intuition in order to achieve those goals.

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