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Project 2025 Is A Blueprint For Business Disaster



Project 2025 Is A Blueprint For Business Disaster

Whatever your politics, the extreme, ideologically driven policies being suggested for Trump’s second term will undermine democracy, supercharge government corruption, and devastate the American economy.

A Race Few Wanted

Though it’s only June, we’re already back in presidential election season. This week saw the earliest-ever general election debate in our history, as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump squared off before their respective party had officially nominated either. One reason both men agreed to this June debate is because the (pre-debate) polls show a neck-and-neck race. For now, many Americans seem unenthused about either candidate, and interest in this election is lower than it’s been in two decades.

All that said, I hope everyone – and especially my fellow business leaders – start paying close attention because these two candidates have vastly different visions for America’s future, and one of them – Donald J. Trump – is essentially advocating for the end of our democracy and the economic prosperity it drives. Throughout this cycle, Trump has been doubling down on his usual brand of extreme rhetoric – he has called his political opponents “vermin,” said immigration is “poisoning the blood of our country,” and pledged to be a “dictator” on day one of his second term. It’d be natural to think that Trump is just mouthing off again, except, this time, he has a playbook in hand to accomplish his goals as soon as he gets into office.

Project 2025: A Road Map to Oblivion

That playbook is Project 2025, a 900-page report developed by the Heritage Foundation and a large coalition of conservative groups to help a second Trump presidency hit the ground running. “If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left,” its authors opine, “we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.”

Unfortunately, this Project 2025 agenda is brimming with extremely outside-the-mainstream ideas that threaten to roll back many Americans’ fundamental rights and cause grave and perhaps permanent damage to our democratic system of government. Even if you agree with the far-right ideology this report espouses, the policies it advocates will very likely plunge the American economy into a death spiral.

A Litany of Terrible Ideas

Education: America’s continued prosperity and competitiveness worldwide rests on its educated workforce, but Project 2025 would defund and dismantle public education purely for ideological reasons. The Project 2025 agenda calls for eliminating a huge number of federal bureaus and departments that offend the far-right worldview. Among them is the Department of Education, which they deem a “convenient one-stop shop for the woke education cartel,” Title 1, which provides $18 billion in funding to support low-income students across America,” and Head Start, which helps over one million kids gain access to early education. Anything involving diversity, equity, and inclusion is also out, even though studies show that companies with diverse leadership and workforces tend to be more profitable than those without.

Along with scaling back civil rights enforcement, Project 2025 calls for effectively eliminating federal oversight over education and converting federal funds into block grants and vouchers that families can use at private schools—an idea that has become a fraud-ridden boondoggle wherever it’s been tried.

Climate: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal department that tracks hurricanes, is also marked for deletion by Project 2025 because it’s “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.” (One would think the hurricanes are the driver, but nevertheless.) The report also argues that the Environmental Protection Agency should be gutted for similar reasons.

Climate change is already costing the US $150 billion a year, and those costs are expected to grow substantially in the years to come if left unchecked – which is what this report argues for. That’s why the Sierra Club calls Project 2025 “a death sentence for federal climate and environmental protections” and “game over for climate progress.” At this late date, a head-in-the-sand approach is not a serious response.

Immigration: Project 2025, as the Niskanen Center put it, “aims to demolish the American immigration system,” even though immigration has always been one of the American economy’s great sources of strength. (In fact, US GDP is estimated to gain $7 trillion over the next ten years because of immigrants.) Among the many harsh policies proposed are drastically reducing visas, suspending country lists for H-2A and H-2B temporary worker visas, blocking federal financial aid to states that allow immigrants access to in-state tuition, and ending the protections of the Dream Act.

Trump himself has gone even further, saying he would quickly deport 15-20 million undocumented immigrants, even though Pew only counts 10.5 million in the US. The moral dimensions of this purge aside, many economists have noted that these draconian policies will cause a rapid rise in unemployment and inflation, especially in industries like food service, construction, and agriculture.

Cronyism: One of Project 2025’s most pernicious elements is its call to return America to a nineteenth-century “spoils system” of government. Under the so-called “Schedule F” plan, about 50,000 federal workers would lose their civil service protections and become at-will employees, meaning they can be fired if they are not sufficiently loyal to the President.

In practice, this would create what conservative Robert Shea has called “an army of suck-ups…if you told your boss that what he or she was proposing was illegal, impractical, [or] unwise they could brand you disloyal and terminate you.” It would also mean “a massive exodus of competence” from Washington, as well-trained, knowledgeable civil servants who gather and report data on all kinds of issues leave and are replaced with conservatives chosen only for loyalty.

Fiscal Policy: Along with the usual slate of tax cuts for the wealthy, Project 2025 also calls for abolishing the Federal Reserve, ending its role as the lender of last resort, and letting the President weigh in on interest rate hikes. Trump has also called for a 10% across-the-board tariff on imported goods, which could kick off a global trade war, rapidly accelerate inflation, and cost the average family $1500 a year. It doesn’t sound great for business.

On top of everything else, Project 2025 also aims to roll back protections for LGBTQ Americans, further reduce women’s access to abortion, cut overtime protections for 4.3 million workers, slash food assistance for 21.6 million households, weaken Social Security and Medicaid, stop efforts to lower prescription drug costs, and much else. This is a remarkably ideological document and one that’s far more concerned with putting far-right ideas at the center of government than doing right by families.

Ultimately, as Carlos Lozada put it, the goal of Project 2025 is “capturing the administrative state,” so it becomes “a tool for concentrating power and entrenching ideology.” In other words, Project 2025 threatens to undermine both our democracy and economy only to benefit a small cadre of far-right faithful at the expense of the vast majority of companies and workers. This could be our new reality in just a few short months unless Americans step up and be counted this November. Even if nobody is excited about this upcoming election, it will decide our future, and we must act accordingly.

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