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Joey King reveals her childhood obsession with Zac Efron | CNN



Joey King reveals her childhood obsession with Zac Efron | CNN


Joey King loved Zac Efron before she ever worked with him.

The actress was a guest on “The Tonight Show” this week, where she revealed she once had a major crush on her “A Family Affair” costar.

“I love him. I grew up with his face on everything I owned,” King recalled.

“Did you have a Zac Efron lunchbox or something?” asked Fallon.

“Did I have … among everything else!” she said. “All the merch that I could get my hands on. I was one of those kids, I was like, ‘Mom, the movie is going to be on at 8/7 Central. I don’t know what that means, but I have to be home to watch.’”

She added, “I had his face on everything and I was such a fan and he was so, so fantastic.”

King said she mainly loved “High School Musical,” and got to tell Efron all about it when they filmed together.

“He was so gracious about it,” she told Fallon. “I would sing on set. He would sing along with me and that was so great.”

Efron also gave her health and exercise tips, King said.

“He helped teach me about my protein intake,” she explained. “He’s very helpful with the wellness tips.”

King plays the daughter of Nicole Kidman in the movie, who watches her mother fall in love with her famous actor boss, played by Efron.

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