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Watching Your Wallet: How to save while traveling solo



Watching Your Wallet: How to save while traveling solo

(WFSB) – If you’re looking to plan some last-minute travel this summer, you may want to consider traveling alone. The costs of travelling can quickly add up, but you can better control the expenses if it’s just you.

Danielle Desir Corbett is a Connecticut mom who runs “The Thought Card” podcast which helps others get the luxury-travel feel while staying in budget.

“I actually feel like solo travelling is empowering because you are 100% the one making your plans, and you don’t necessarily have to go to a fancy restaurant if you don’t want to just because your friends are there,” said Danielle Desir Corbett.

Desir Corbett says she’s traveled alone to a number of destinations and says you can spend entire days without spending money.

“Something I like to do, when I’m solo especially, is I have no-spend days. So, I’m like ok, for the rest of the afternoon I’m not going to spend any money, and I’m just going to explore let’s say downtown Portland on my own,” said Desir Corbett.

Corbett says social media can be a great place to find free activities, but you should always double check that the business is open.

“Just be mindful that google can be outdated. Whenever you are planning something, just double-check the hours, call and make sure,” said Desir Corbett.

Once you have a list of free options, you can then prioritize what you do want to spend your money on.

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