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PCO Wins Digital Media Championship at TNA Slammiversary 2024 in Dramatic Fashion



PCO Wins Digital Media Championship at TNA Slammiversary 2024 in Dramatic Fashion

TNA Wrestling brought their Slammiversary event to pay-per-view, packing Montreal’s Verdun Auditorium with 4,000 fans ready to witness history. PCO, who has been wrestling since 1987, had one of the biggest nights of his career in front of his hometown fans.

The event featured several title matches, with every champion determined to leave Ontario with their gold. As the hometown hero, PCO was the favorite in his TNA Digital Media Championship match. AJ Francis admitted during the Slammiversary press conference that he would only have three supporters in the building: Rich Swann, who was with him at ringside, and two women he brought to the show.

Before the match began, Francis and his friends ambushed PCO. Francis then demanded to be declared the winner, but PCO’s dramatic entrance interrupted. With smoke and theatrics, PCO was lowered from the ceiling and placed in a casket before Father James Mitchell revived him with jumper cables. The crowd chanted “PCO” loudly as he made his way to the ring, reminiscent of Frankenstein.

The Montreal Street Fight was brutal, and the fans were all in. Highlights included PCO nailing a PCOsault from the top rope to the floor onto Francis. Rich Swann distracted PCO long enough for Francis and Swann to set up two tables. The fans vocally opposed everything Francis did, and PCO sold an attack with a trash can and chair shots.

Despite taking a lot of punishment, PCO kept kicking out. Francis went through a table but had backup from Bishop, who took out PCO at ringside. Sami Callihan tried to help PCO, but Swann jumped him. Rhino then appeared to take out Swann with a Gore. Back in the ring, PCO hit another PCOsault, but Francis kicked out. Francis nailed a tombstone piledriver, but PCO kicked out again. PCO then reversed a chokeslam and hit one of his own onto a pile of chairs. After another PCOsault, he won the TNA Digital Media Championship.

To top it all off, Steph DeLander came out afterward, and she got down in one knee. Then she asked PCO to marry him, and he said yes. It looks like another wedding is coming for TNA Wrestling.

PCO has had a long career, entertaining fans as part of the Quebecers in WWE and reinventing himself as a monster in the ring. It will be interesting to see if he can top this big moment at Slammiversary.

What’s your take on TNA Wrestling’s Slammiversary event? Let us know in the comments section!

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