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Police contract approved; fitness standards abolished



Police contract approved; fitness standards abolished

After a series of meetings, closed door caucuses and negotiations across the table, Abilene’s City Council approved the five-year contract with the Abilene Police Department in a unanimous vote Thursday.

Most notably, the contract does not include any mandatory physical fitness standards for APD officers but includes other benefits such as a comprehensive annual health exam for all officers.

“I think it protects our officers and keeps them moving forward in the department from a career standpoint for years to come,” City Manager Robert Hanna said in a media briefing Monday.

What changes?

There are several changes coming to the Abilene Police Department and the city council agenda packet outlined the biggest changes as follows:

Summary of the Meet and Confer Agreement with the Abilene Police Officers Association:

  1. Maintain the average of the 10 peer cities, plus 4% in salaries. If a rank is already at average, plus 4%, then they receive a 2% cost of living adjustment. No additional compensation for officers if noncivil-service workers receive more than a 2% COLA.
  2. Increase in clothing allowance from $750 to $1,000 and then to $1,250. It’s phased in over the life ofthe contract.
  3. Sick leave buyback up to 40 hours if an employee has more than 120 hours.
  4. Comprehensive annual medical/physical exam.
  5. Shift differential pay.
  6. Increase in patrol training officer incentive pay.
  7. Five-year term.

Peer cities include Carrolton, Denton, Grand Prairie, Killeen, Lubbock, Midland, Odessa, San Angelo, Waco and Wichita Falls.

There are other minor administrative changes, but the overall annual cost is expected to be between $900,000 to $1.2 million on an annual basis — or $4.5-$6 million dollars over the five-year term, according to the agenda packet.

What did the association ask for? Retirement, pay, promotions: Police association begins contract negotiations with city

More on the agreement Abilene police association and city reach an agreement, it addresses physical fitness

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