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Jen Wood, owner of Final Results Fitness in Gilbertsville, shares her fitness journey



Jen Wood, owner of Final Results Fitness in Gilbertsville, shares her fitness journey

Fit Friday’s Health & Wellness Summer Series gets up close and personal with our community’s fitness leaders who serve as role models with invaluable tips on prioritizing fitness. This week, Jen Wood, owner and fitness manager at Final Results Fitness in Gilbertsville, takes us on her journey to fitness.

Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)

Occupation and location: Owner and Fitness Manager of Final Results Fitness in Gilbertsville.

When and why you began to exercise: I was always active from a young age. I was a cheerleader and played lacrosse. I started exercising seriously in the gym at age 18. I started teaching aerobics at 19. My Aunt Suzie helped me be the teacher I am today. After 34 years of teaching group fitness classes, I love every minute of it!

Biggest exercise achievement: In all my years of teaching and training, I’ve come across some challenging certifications. One of my certifications is in a Martial Arts yoga. In order to receive my Red Belt, I had to break some boards with a front punch and front kick. The kick was good. The punch was not. I ended up breaking my knuckle, but broke the board with a palm strike. I can remember my husband’s face like, “oh honey!” My Sensei told me I learned my lesson. Through all of it, I felt an immense sense of pride that I accomplished my task and earned my belt.

Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)
Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)

How exercise helps you: Exercise helps me stay fit and healthy. It also helps me manage my stress levels too. Sometimes life can be a little overwhelming. When that happens, I can move and breath and it makes it more manageable. But more importantly I get to help people on their journey too. I think working out together is a way of helping with accountability and encouragement.

Approach to food: That is a loaded question. I workout A LOT, so I can indulge if I want to. Generally, we eat pretty healthy most of the time. John, my husband, is a great cook so we are spoiled in our family. One of these days he needs to produce a cookbook. He sends pictures of his meals to all his friends

Inspiration for pursuing a profession in the fitness industry: I can honestly say I love my job. How many people can say that? Exercising for a living is no easy task. I do it for the love of the members in my classes. To see their eyes light up when they nail a yoga pose for the first time or jump a little higher in step class. I push them a little and they feed me to keep going. It’s pure energy.

Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)
Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)

Approach to fitness during the summer months: This summer has been hot. But, have I mentioned I love my job? Summer, winter – it doesn’t’ matter because we grind every day of the year. Personally, I love summer. The hotter the better. Stay hydrated, know your limits and exercise indoors when the weather is oppressive. We (Final Results Fitness) have a summer workout challenge to work out 40 times in the summer.

Fitness strategy while on vacation: While on vacation, I absolutely work out for me. I take one hour every morning to do something I enjoy. It may be yoga, toning or cardio. When at the beach, I love being in the ocean and diving into crashing waves.

Tips to spice up summer workouts: Summer weather is a time to be outside. Go for a walk, swim in the pool. When the weather turns too hot and humid, come inside. For the short summer season, give strength training a try. A full body circuit of heavy, slow controlled movements will give you a strong, toned body, and will have your metabolism revved up.

Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)
Jen Wood, co-owner of Final Results Fitness. (Photo submitted by Final Results Fitness)

Current fitness goal: My current goals are to continue to be strong. I teach many styles of classes per week, but two times a week I add a meaningful strength training circuit into my routine, which helps me stay strong to teach. I also am paying more attention to how my body feels and then taking time to care for it through massage and rest.

Tips to motivate others to prioritize fitness: It takes 21 days to make or break a habit. If you give yourself one month to dedicate to moving and breathing, you’ll feel so much better. More exercise is not better. Start slow and be consistent. If you need help on your journey, just give us a call.

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