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Hometown Jobs: Downtown Roanoke Hiring Fair



Hometown Jobs: Downtown Roanoke Hiring Fair

ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) – A lot of people in our hometowns go to downtown Roanoke to play and eat, but what about work?

In this week’s Hometown Jobs – Sophia Borrelli tells us about an opportunity to find your next career.

”Our mission is to make downtown Roanoke the preferred place to live, work and play, and so this year, we’re trying to really emphasize and focus more on the work portion,” said Joya Garris, Director of Community Engagement and Communications for Downtown Roanoke Inc.

More than a dozen businesses will be looking for their next employees at the Downtown Roanoke Hiring Fair.

It’s taking place at the City Market Building at the beginning of September.

“Since it’s between three and six and it’s at the end of the work day, it’s during dinner time, we just felt like it would be a place where a lot of people might be coming anyway,” said Toni McLawhorn, Business and Development Manager for the Greater Roanoke Workforce Development Board.

It’s a one-stop shop for someone looking to work downtown.

Click here for other Hometown Jobs reports.

“Downtown is like your center of your activity for a region, and we definitely want to support our downtown merchants and make sure that they have the staff to support their business needs, because if they don’t have staff, they can’t operate,” said McLawhorn.

“The hiring event is great because you don’t have to apply for ten or twenty jobs online. You can speak to multiple businesses at one location and find one that really fits with you,” said Garris.

And if your resume needs some sprucing up, you can get help for free.

“If anyone is coming to the job fair and they want help in advance, they can go to our Virginia Works office. It’s temporarily operating out of the Roanoke City Library on Jefferson Street up on the second floor in Room B, and they’re working from ten to four each day. They can help people with resumes. They can help people prepare for an interview, find out information about these organizations and what jobs they do have open,” said McLawhorn.

The Downtown Roanoke Hiring Fair is Wednesday, September 4 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the City Market Building.

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