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Fresh Start 2 Fitness- Core and Shoulder Workout



Fresh Start 2 Fitness- Core and Shoulder Workout

Core strength is important to every day movement but also is key to when we’re sitting. Keeping a strong core can help prevent several injuries and keeps the rest of our body moving correctly. Intermountain Health certified trainer and health coach Dawn Brown of Intermountain American Fork Hospital says doing the following exercises can help improve both your core and shoulder strength.

1) Forearm Plank Reach:

  • Starting in a forearm plank position on your toes or knees.
  • Make sure your not sagging and your back is straight.
  • From this position you’ll reach forward as far as you can with one arm until you tap with your fingers and come back to plank position before switching and doing the same with your other arm.
  • Do this for 3 sets of 10.

2) Push Up Side Planks:

  • In a normal push up position you’ll do a regular push up but once you get to the top of the movement you’ll pivot your feet and reach one arm up into the air before coming back down into push up position.
  • Do 3 sets of 10 on each side of the body.

3) Alligator Walk:

  • In a regular push up position begin to slowly move your toes forward in a hinging and pivoting motion.
  • People should be propelling themselves forward from their toes while using their hands to move forward slightly.
  • After walking forward then use the same motion to walk backwards while keeping your back straight.
  • Do this for 30 seconds to a minute.
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