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Meet the 2024 APSA Lee Ann Fujii DFP Travel Grant Recipients –



Meet the 2024 APSA Lee Ann Fujii DFP Travel Grant Recipients –

The APSA Lee Ann Fujii Diversity Fellowship Program (DFP) Travel Grant provides support for the professional development of APSA Diversity Fellows and alumni at the APSA Annual Meeting. The grant is named in honor of Dr. Lee Ann Fujii. Dr. Fujii was a professor at the University of Toronto who researched and published in the area of political violence, ethnicity and race, African politics (especially Rwanda and the Great Lakes), field methods, and research ethics. Support for this grant, which is in its sixth year, has been generously provided by the Fujii family and Dr. Fujii’s friends and colleagues. To learn more about Dr. Fujii, please visit “Remembering Lee Ann Fujii.”


Priority is given to fellows and alumni whose research, teaching, or mentoring focuses in one or more of the areas of political violence, ethnicity and race, African politics, racial violence in the US South, comparative politics, international relations, conflict processes, research ethics, or qualitative and interpretative methods. Learn more about the Lee Ann Fujii Travel Grant.


APSA awarded four individuals the
2024 Lee Ann Fujii Travel Grant.

Lucia LopezUniversity of Houston

Monique NewtonNorthwestern University

José PérezThe Ohio State University

Taylor VincentUniversity of Maryland, College Park

Learn more about the grant recipients here.

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