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Kazakhstan Plans To Stop Bloggers From Promoting Gambling – The Times Of Central Asia



Kazakhstan Plans To Stop Bloggers From Promoting Gambling – The Times Of Central Asia

Kazakhstan is preparing big changes for the gambling business in the form of a new bill that’s under consideration in the country’s lower house of parliament, the Majilis. Should the bill become law, bloggers will be banned from advertising betting platforms and online casinos. These changes are aimed at stricter regulation of the gambling industry and protection of citizens’ financial interests.

Members of the Maijilis emphasize that bloggers will still be able to cover sporting events on their social media accounts, but advertising gambling establishments will be banned. That’s a step towards more responsible and ethical advertising practices that focus on sports and healthy lifestyles that the government would like to promote.

The bill includes other important changes, such as raising the minimum age for gambling to 25, banning gambling by those who are in debt, and tightening the requirements for advertising gambling establishments. These steps are aimed at creating a safer and more responsible gambling environment for citizens of Kazakhstan.

In March the Majilis started working on the new draft law, which, according to representative Askhat Aimagambetov, provides for the introduction of liability for gambling businesses in the form of fines ranging from 1.1 million tenge ($2,500) to 3.6 million tenge ($8,000).

In addition, members of the Maijilis spoke out on the possible introduction of a ban on gambling for civil servants. This is a step that could be part of a broader program to combat the negative consequences of gambling addiction among public-sector employees.

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