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National EAP, Inc. | Long Island Business News



National EAP, Inc. | Long Island Business News

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National EAP, Inc.National EAP, Inc. | Long Island Business News

National EAP, Inc. is a 100% women-owned business that provides EAP (employee assistance programs) and corporate training and development programs for companies nationwide. In business for 42 years, the company employs 17 and is led by Chief Executive Officer and President Aoifa O’Donnell.

“Considering women had to wait until 1974 to access a credit card or a mortgage loan without the signature of a male co-signer, it means quite a lot to me to own and operate my own business,” O’Donnell said. “It was not long ago that access to financial and business success was denied for someone like me and we still have a way to go. Owning a business gives people the opportunity to bet on themselves, drive their own destiny and be a part of the great American dream. I am grateful!”

O’Donnell has experienced a welcoming Long Island business community that has helped her grow her business successfully. “I have had many male and female informal mentors throughout the years willing to share their wisdom,” she said. “What I believe has helped me is my integrity, commitment to excellence and industry expertise. My dedication to helping individuals and businesses, especially through their most vulnerable moments, builds natural bridges of goodwill and community spirit.”

Recently, the company launched Athrú, a new brand for expert corporate training and development services. “I love that we keep expanding our impact and new pathways of opportunity for my team members who are dedicated to our National EAP mission,” she said.


This profile is part of LIBN’s In The Lead : Women Owned Businesses list. Information used in this profile was sourced from the honoree.

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