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Pastor travels to Evansville to give to those in need



Pastor travels to Evansville to give to those in need

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) – One pastor and Christian rapper made his way to Evansville from Louisiana to give back to the community.

He calls it Bless the Block.

Ander Pellerano says he’s been all over the nation giving away Amazon supplies to different neighborhoods.

Each person can randomly pick two boxes.

There could be anything, from clothes to laptops, to bikes to pots and pans inside.

Pellerano says the idea is to keep one box for yourself and give the other one to someone else in need.

He says at the lowest point in his life he realized the importance of being kind to others.

“Where I once took, now I want to give, and it’s important because I feel like this is the mission we’re all called to do is to love our neighbors. Especially at a time and season where the nation is so divided. I feel like it’s needed now more than ever to display genuine love,” said Pellerano.

Inside Pellerano’s bus, he also has clothes for those in need to shop from for free.

He says he’ll continue to travel the country where God takes him.

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