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Behind Olympian Brooke Raboutou’s Runway Debut at Paris Fashion Week



Behind Olympian Brooke Raboutou’s Runway Debut at Paris Fashion Week

TV: What’s your go-to coffee order?

BR: I’ve been really into flat whites!

TV: I know you’re a North Face ambassador, and they’re your go-to for climbing gear. What’s it like wearing them for rock climbing versus on the runway?

BR: I’m so excited to bring The North Face into the fashion world and to have them bring me into it as well. It’s universal in that way—I wear them on the rocks, in the outdoors, in a casual environment, but also wear them with a flair for events like this. It’s fun to see outdoor and sportswear collaborate with fashion.

TV: What’s it like working with The North Face?

BR: I’ve been loving working with The North Face. It’s new for me—I joined in January. Since I was competing a lot earlier this year, I couldn’t do as much with them, but now I’ve had more time to get involved. I’ve had incredible opportunities. Everyone I’ve met from the brand is so excited to be there and to get to know me as both a person and an athlete. Their support has meant a lot.

TV: Cecilie Bahnsen and The North Face create clothing where comfort and movement are key. What does comfort mean to you?

BR: Comfort, to me, is being comfortable in my own skin and confident in what I’m wearing. It’s about being able to move freely but also feeling powerful and confident about what I have on.

TV: From rock climbing to the runway, you just don’t stop! What’s next for you?

BR: Next is a lot of outdoor climbing. I’ve got big goals for climbs I want to do around the world, so I’m excited to take a break from competitions and focus on that. I’m headed to Italy in a few days, and then I’ll be climbing around Europe for a while.

TV: Lastly, what’s your advice for young people who are ambitious and want to try a bit of everything?

BR: I think the key is to follow your heart. To be able to do everything, you really just have to be yourself first. Be authentically you, and see where that takes you.

*This interview has been edited for clarity

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