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‘Destiny 2’ Is Now Doing World’s First Dungeon Races



‘Destiny 2’ Is Now Doing World’s First Dungeon Races

Destiny 2 is scaling back its raid plans with the arrival of Frontiers next year, which will have just one and no reprised raid (RIP Wrath of the Machine). But because everyone loves raid races, now Bungie is going to start doing…dungeon races.

On Thursday, Bungie revealed Vesper’s Host, a dungeon that will arrive with the launch of Destiny 2’s second episode, Revenant, in less than two weeks. It will have a race similar to raids. The details:

  • The dungeon will now have contest mode, which will be up for 48 hours.
  • Normal mode will unlock as soon as three teams clear the dungeon.
  • You need to be at 1985 power to be at the cap for all the dungeon encounters.
  • You need three players (obviously) who all need to own the dungeon key and get the “Rogue Network” quest from Spider when the episode starts.
  • The race ends when you loot the final chest.

I guess I understand this, even though no, it won’t have the glory as some of the old raid races, and will take much less time to complete as dungeons are A) shorter and B) relatively mechanic-light and easier compared to raids, even with contest mode on. So yes, expect some speed runs here. Relatively speaking at least, and we sure ain’t gonna get another 24+ hour one.

This appears to be a new system where Bungie may have three races per year in the Frontiers era. There’s the launch of the new raid in the first expansion of the year. There’s a dungeon in the second expansion of the year, which will presumably do this again. And as of the last update about raids and dungeons we got, a “raid challenge update” which adds new mechanics and sometimes new encounters will kick off another raid race, for a second time. This year, I assume next episode’s dungeon will also do a race (yes, we are getting two in a row, given that two were sold in the dungeon key.

I guess you can be cynical about this and say that this is part of the “decline” of Destiny if we’re doing dungeon races now, but I don’t see the harm and who cares if it exists? I’m sure many people will have fun doing it, and it probably delays the normal dungeon launch for a few hours at most. I’ll be watching, and I’m curious if the world’s first raid teams will grab this one too.

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