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Travel Advisor Success Story: Jamie Tarr, Jamie’s Vacation Experience



Travel Advisor Success Story: Jamie Tarr, Jamie’s Vacation Experience

Travel Advisor Success Story: Jami Tarr, Jamie’s Vacation Experience

Jamie Tarr. (Source: Jamie Tarr)

Travel Advisor Success Stories spotlight accomplished advisors and how they achieved success. Here’s a look at Jamie Tarr, owner of Jamie’s Vacation Experience, an InteleTravel agency.

How did you get your start as a travel advisor?

My journey is rather unique. I’m from a small town in Iowa and never traveled much as a child. Going to college opened up a whole new world, and I had the opportunity to join a study abroad program. After that experience, I was hooked. I was traveling yearly before joining the Peace Corps in 2011. This opportunity only made my passion for travel grow, and while I continued traveling regularly and going on adventures, a good friend reached out about an opportunity to become a travel advisor. After some persistence, I signed up and she was one hundred percent right, I love it!

How did you build your business over the years?

I started my business during the pandemic. No one was traveling during this time, so I invested my time and energy into learning and completing the InteleTravel trainings. I did everything possible to learn as much as I could to be well-equipped and knowledgeable about the industry. I started advertising my services to friends and family when the world opened again. As soon as I became comfortable with booking, I decided to create a social media platform and asked those around me for referrals. This led to organic business growth.

Also, consistency is one of my main priorities in my social media presence and training. This has allowed a lot of people to contact me from all over the world and stay up to date on the newest offerings and techniques.

What characteristics make you a successful advisor?

Constantly traveling and seeing the world sets me apart from other advisors. This isn’t just my job. Travel is my preferred leisure activity and stress reliever. It allows me to better understand and serve my clients.

Also, I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer when working for my clients. If I see that my clients deserve better options or are being treated unfairly, I will do everything in my power to make it happen. It’s important to me that my clients get what they pay for and create lasting memories.

What have been your greatest challenges?

My greatest challenge was prioritizing all of life’s responsibilities when my business was growing. I was a full-time parole officer, a part-time adjunct college professor and a defensive tactics instructor when I decided to become a travel advisor. There were days I would wake up extra early before work to build travel quotes, book trips on my lunch hour and then meet with clients after dinner.

Another challenge was navigating the world as it was opening back up post-pandemic. Understanding post-COVID restrictions in each country, including vaccinations, forms, requirements and more, could have been a full-time job on its own.

What have your greatest accomplishments been?

My travel business, Jamie’s Vacation Experience, is my greatest accomplishment. Making a name for myself and building my own company is very important to me. Not only do my clients trust me, but my partners in the industry do as well. I’m also proud of some of my measurements of success, like being the No. 2 top producer out of 120,000 agents within InteleTravel.

I wake up every morning doing what I love, and I am proud of how far I’ve come.

What tips can you provide advisors new to the industry?

Find out what type of advisor you want to be. This means looking at yourself and looking into the areas that you are passionate about.

Treat people well and be open to all things travel. Qualify your clients and understand their vision.

Self-talk – sometimes, things can become complicated and frustrating. Talk yourself through it and know there is an answer. Sometimes it just takes a few extra steps.

Do your training, it’s the key to success. Always know there is never enough training. We can always learn something new.

Build relationships with the partners and business development managers in the industry. These connections are priceless.

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