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Aquarius, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope



Aquarius, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope

For creative, eccentric, and bold Aquarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of October.

As a Uranus-ruled sign, you aren’t typically one of the Zodiac signs strongly affected by lunar and solar events. However, your ruling planet ends up being an important player in October 2’s potent solar eclipse as Uranus forms a trine with the New Moon just before the eclipse occurs. Spiritually speaking, the influence of a solar eclipse isn’t that far off from your ruling planet. These celestial events spur transformation, spark rebirths, and encourage new ideas and perspectives.

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Uranus, meanwhile, is the creator of cosmic chaos. This planet constantly shakes things up, turns expectations topsy-turvy, and inspires us to push against the status quo. When Uranus and the New Moon lock into their harmonious trine on October 2, the stars call you to surrender control to the universe. In the grand scheme of things, we can only do so much to facilitate change in our lives. The rest is up to the cosmos, and they are certainly going to be active this month. The sooner you let go of your desire to control the outcome of these events, the sooner you can start enjoying the ride.

Ironically, this hands-off technique can often feel like more work than a hands-on approach. After all, what if you don’t like the direction the stars lead you? What if your well-laid plans go haywire? These potential mishaps are the exact type of chaos the stars are calling you to lean into the first week of the month, Aquarius. As your ruling planet and the waxing Moon form a direct opposition with one another on October 6, you will once again be reminded of your sheer inability to stop the universe’s natural ebb and flow. Go through your day thoughtfully, but keep your mind and heart open to new possibilities.

By October 12, a waning gibbous Moon enters your sign, shifting focus inward to your shadow self. This lunar phase encourages reflection and analysis. A decidedly inactive period of the Moon’s life cycle, this can be especially challenging for someone like you who prefers to march to the beat of their own drum. Be careful not to underestimate the catalytic power of introspection, Aquarius. Just because it doesn’t feel like you’re going anywhere doesn’t mean that’s the case. Even small movements add up.

A notable shift occurs on October 13 as the trine between your ruling planet and Pluto retrograde becomes one-half direct. As Pluto leaves retrograde, its transformative power is once again turned outward. This isn’t an invitation to forget all the life lessons this long-held retrograde period taught you. But it is a gentle reprieve from this faraway dwarf planet’s incessant call for introspective evolution. This focus change comes just in time for an opposition between Venus and Uranus.

Locking into place on October 14, this Venus-Uranus opposition brings up unexpected mishaps in matters of love and money. Relationships might grow tense suddenly; large investments might fall through. If possible, avoid making any drastic changes during this time. With Uranus’ chaotic energy in the mix, you’re liable to settle on choices you wouldn’t normally pick once the stress dies down. There’s no point in burning bridges during times of stress. This will only make it more difficult to recover. Put bandaids on anything salvageable. Anything else, wait a few days before making your final call.

On October 16, your ruling planet forms a positive but inactive sextile with a conjunction between Neptune and a waxing gibbous Moon. This might seem like a generally beneficial celestial alignment. But there are a few hidden pitfalls you’d be wise to watch out for. First, Neptune is an infamous trickster. While this retrograde planet can encourage out-of-the-box thinking and greater imagination, it can also tempt you into putting on rose-colored glasses to avoid the stress of confronting conflict head-on. As the waxing gibbous Moon calls you to reflect on your life path and goals, you run the risk of being misguided by Neptune’s hyper-romantic perspective. Try to stay grounded in reality on this day.

Three days after October’s full Moon, its waning gibbous form conjoins with your ruling planet under Taurus on October 20. Uranus’ eccentric nature and Taurus’ grounded energy have been at odds with one another for weeks now. Unfortunately, the waning gibbous Moon doesn’t do much to quell the celestial animosity. You might be torn between doing what you want to do and doing what you feel needs to be done. Be cautious of making decisions out of spite or frustration. It won’t take much for the consequences of a hasty decision to overshadow the instant gratification of settling on an answer to get it over with. Your future self will be glad you took an extra few seconds to mull over your choices.

On October 25, a sextile between Uranus and Mars promotes fun, passion, and novelty. Take a trip (no matter how short) to somewhere new. Try out a hobby you’ve been eyeing for a while. Reach out to someone you’ve been meaning to start a friendship with. Within the context of this flirty, low-stakes celestial aspect, the stars offer a gentle reminder that life is for the living. Not everything has to come with a significant end goal or prize. You deserve to enjoy things in the name of having a good time.

In addition to being a necessary and enjoyable part of life, taking a moment to relax and have fun has other benefits, too. These hidden rewards will reveal themselves to you on October 30, when Uranus forms a direct opposition to Mercury under Scorpio. Despite oppositions’ bad rap for being one of the more challenging celestial aspects, the standoff between Mercury and Uranus is unique in that it shakes loose new ideas, concepts, or beliefs. Feelings of stagnancy wane. Motivation increases. Consider this opposition a cosmic lightbulb pulling you out of the darkness. As it turns out, giving your conscious brain a break from work allows your subconscious brain to take over, refreshing and inspiring your spirit. The fact that you had a good time doing it is an added bonus.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Aquarius! See you next month.

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