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Podcast: Is Fashion Doing Enough for Sustainability?



Podcast: Is Fashion Doing Enough for Sustainability?

To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE.

September wrapped a busy month for sustainability. Not only was it Climate Week in New York, which kept Sourcing Journal’s reporters very busy, but SJ published its biannual Sustainability Report and held its first Sustainability event in Los Angeles with sister denim publication Rivet.

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To see how the fashion industry is faring regarding sustainability, Lauren Parker, director of Fairchild Studios, sat down with Peter Sadera, editor-in-chief, Sourcing Journal, to discuss the positives pushing things forward, as well as the obstacles blocking more progress.

So is fashion cleaning up its act? Overall, Sadera was left with a feeling of both optimism and dismay. “There’s so many new technologies and more efficient ways of doing things, but at the same time, as an industry, we’re not really buying into the level that will be required to see real, sustainable change,” said Sadera, noting that in 2024, more clothing was produced than any year in human history, actually doubling the amount of goods produced in the past 24 years.

“Yes, we are using recycled and new materials, but still, the lion’s share of new garments are made with non-sustainable synthetics and polyester. So, while I’m optimistic about the changes that are happening and the new technologies that are coming online, it does feel like swimming upstream.”

That said, Sadera was heartened by all the industry collabs and innovation, especially in the high-impact denim space, where waterless dyeing and lasers are becoming the norm. Meanwhile, a growing shift to Made in America might not seem like a sustainability play, but closer to home definitely translates to lower transit emissions. He also welcomes regulations to get companies to do the right thing and a fast-fashion “sin tax” on consumers to help change behavior. Because sustainability takes a village.

To download SJ’s Sustainability Report, CLICK HERE.
To listen to the podcast, CLICK HERE.

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