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Spiritualists Find a Home in Cassadaga, Florida, by Travel Writers



Spiritualists Find a Home in Cassadaga, Florida, by Travel Writers

By Victor Block

As my wife, Fyllis, and I contemplated our visit to the tiny town of Cassadaga, Florida, the choices we faced were as intriguing as they were varied. Did we prefer to join a healing circle or seek spiritual counseling? Would we opt for a seance or a class in ancient wisdom teachings?

Adding to the appeal was the ironic fact that this destination, focused upon life after death and communicating with those who have entered that realm, is located not far from Walt Disney World, with its wealth of fantasy and man-made attractions geared to fun and frivolity.

Cassadaga was founded by George Colby, a medium who claimed that his “spirit guide,” Seneca, advised him to establish a spiritual center in Florida. Colby purchased land and, in 1894 incorporated the Southern Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp Meeting Association. The camp — actually a neighborhood-sized community — sits on some of the only hills in the lowlands characteristic of central Florida. Of its approximately 100 permanent residents, about 75 are spiritualists.

The bookstore, with its welcome center, is the logical place to begin a visit. Its selection of books explores topics that range from spiritualism, metaphysics and Buddhism to meditation, yoga and ghosts. Crystal balls and candles share shelf space with incense, Tibetan singing bowls and small statues of angels and fairies.

This is where most people choose the activities they wish to experience and make their arrangements to do so. The names and telephone numbers of mediums and healers who are on duty that day are listed on a board, and business cards of all the certified mediums and healers are on display.

While Fyllis headed for a session with a “certified medium, healer and teacher,” I met with the Rev. Dr. Louis Gates. In addition to providing services to clients, he is pastor of the Colby Memorial Temple. My goal was to learn more about spiritualism, and he turned out to be a treasure-trove of knowledge.

He was affable and down-to-earth, which, I concluded, are perfect traits for one who serves as both a pastor and a medium, healer and teacher. Our conversation began with a recounting of when he first started to believe in the tenets of spiritualism. He was only 3 years old when he said his grandmother, who had died, appeared to him.

His brief description of spiritualism led me to infer that it is a combination of religion, philosophy and, among its disciplines, science. I found that I could relate to a number of the precepts that Gates outlined. He said it is very welcoming, accepting and supportive. The overall message is one of love and hope without a lot of dogma. I understood the principle he espoused that while people are responsible for themselves and control their own destiny, that comes with a bit of potential downside.

“Spiritualism is a tough religion,” he said, “because there’s no one else to blame if things go wrong.”

While I was receiving an introduction to spiritualism, Fyllis was participating in a session with one of the practitioners on duty that day. She came away impressed with a number of the woman’s observations and said she would adopt a wait-and-see attitude about others.

“I see you traveling a lot for work” fit well with my wife’s role as a travel writer, and “You like the outdoors and open space” was in keeping with her love for hiking through the woods.

Among other comments were that I am a photographer (I take pictures to illustrate our travel stories), Fyllis’ daughter, Ariane, “has a good head on her shoulders” (she does) and Fyllis has something to do with relics (which, I hope, referred to our recent visit to Greek and Roman archaeological sites during a trip to Sicily rather than to me).

On the other hand, some remarks seemed less relevant. For example, Fyllis has no present plans to go to the Pacific Northwest, speak before a large group of people or write a book.

The overriding goal, I concluded, is one with which both believers and any doubters can relate, at least to some extent. For example, I suspect that many people agree with the inspirational saying we spotted on a wall in the lobby of a hotel: “Forgiveness lifts heaviness from the burdened heart.”

On the other hand, skeptics might have less faith in another nearby pronouncement we saw, which read: “I believe in fairies. I do, I do, I do.”

After our talking and listening sessions, we strolled around town, which, given Cassadaga’s compact size, didn’t take long. A walking tour pamphlet led us to Seneca Park, which is named for Colby’s spirit guide; a healing area; and the Fairy Trail Park, where, we were told, nature spirits “only show themselves to those who believe.”

We ended our visit at the Cassadaga Hotel for a snack and look-see. Even there, in the midst of its Victorian setting, guests can arrange for a psychic reading, seance and other services in keeping with the overall purpose of the town. We came to the conclusion that Cassadaga warmly welcomes not only devotees but the curious and skeptical as well.


For more information:

A fairy welcomes visitors to Cassadaga, Florida. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cohen/

 Visitors will find gnomes, flowers and fairy wings at Horseshoe Park in Cassadaga, Florida. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cohen/

Visitors will find gnomes, flowers and fairy wings at Horseshoe Park in Cassadaga, Florida. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cohen/

 This sign marks the entrance to Fairy Tale Trail in Cassadaga, Florida. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cohen/

This sign marks the entrance to Fairy Tale Trail in Cassadaga, Florida. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cohen/

Victor Block is a freelance writer. To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

This sign marks the entrance to Fairy Tale Trail in Cassadaga, Florida. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Cohen/

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