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Pilates at Pottruck



Pilates at Pottruck

It’s 7:26 a.m. on a Monday. Normally, I’d still be fast asleep. But today, thanks to my early–riser roommate, I managed to make it to John McNamara’s 7:30 a.m. HIIT class. Stifling a few yawns, I glance around and notice everyone else is already energized and ready to get moving. From dumbbell raises to backward lunges, the rhythm of the class began to energize me, shaking off the grogginess and fueling a newfound motivation. 

After the class, I couldn’t help but wonder: What makes people commit to coming to this class every morning? For many, it is a daily routine. John shared, “I know a lot of the people here. A lot of people come back everyday. I just try to give them good challenging full body workouts. They’re coming to show up to get that energy and good feeling.” For these regulars, the class isn’t just about fitness—it’s a way to start the day feeling empowered and refreshed. 

And it’s not just at Penn—this sense of community and shared energy is a reminder of something bigger: the growing fitness culture. Group fitness has evolved beyond just exercise. It’s evolved into a lifestyle, a habit that’s become just as second nature as drinking coffee in the morning or turning on the radio in the car. 

Take SoulCycle, for instance. More than just a spin class, it has gained an almost cult–like following, where the energy and atmosphere create a sense of belonging. People don’t just show up for the workout, they come for the communal experience, to feed off the motivation of others and find a sense of connection. In many ways, John’s HIIT class felt like a smaller–scale version of this phenomenon.

Later in the week, I decided to try a mat pilates class at Potruck with yoga instructor Elona Canaj. Having been swept up in the COVID-19 home–workout trend myself, I was no stranger to mat Pilates. In fact, I had even taken a course on teaching Pilates, yet I still found myself drawn back to instructor–led group fitness classes. After countless virtual sessions with Chloe Ting and Sami Clarke, I started to wonder: What makes this in–person class different from a home workout on your own yoga mat in the living room? 

Maybe, we are simply wishing for something beyond our yoga mats and YouTube videos. The recent rise in popularity of boutique fitness studios like Barry’s Bootcamp, Pure Barre, and Orangetheory has transformed fitness into a cultural movement where community and exclusivity are part of the allure. As great as these classes may seem, however, they are often not very accessible. The cost per class can be prohibitively expensive, with many studios charging upwards of $30 per session. Moreover, most of these studios are concentrated in major cities, making it difficult for those in suburban or rural areas to participate and limiting the reach of these fitness communities. 

Yet, despite accessibility barriers, these classes offer something that home workouts often can’t—a sense of accountability and camaraderie. My mat neighbor, Cassie Tian, a second–year medical student, echoed this thought: “I think you can definitely do this at home. But it’s more motivating here because everyone around you is doing it too, so you feel more accountable.” 

This shared energy and sense of community are what elevate group classes beyond what’s possible at home, creating an environment where you’re not just working out, but also finding inspiration from those around you. According to a 2015 study by the University of Oxford, researchers found that group fitness leads to social bonding, which in turn, encourages improved exercise performance. Similarly, in a 2019 study by Penn State, researchers found that working out in a group leads to higher levels of enjoyment and physical performance, and ultimately a more positive emotional response associated with exercise. 

The atmosphere of shared focus and effort pushed me to go harder than I might have on my own. Elona herself understands this dynamic well. When I asked her about her goals for her students, she said, “I hope they leave feeling better than when they arrived—more empowered and confident. Sometimes that confidence starts mentally, and other times it begins with the body, then grows, connecting the mind and body, making you feel stronger and more empowered. My hope is that when people take my class, they leave feeling confident, energized, and ready to start or continue their day with a sense of strength and empowerment.” 

The power of group fitness is something that has almost become a cultural phenomenon in its own right. Whether it’s the near–religious dedication of SoulCycle enthusiasts or the community–building efforts of boutique fitness studios, these spaces are more than just places to sweat—they are hubs of connection, motivation, and shared experiences. The rise of these communities speaks to a deeper human need for social interaction and mutual support, something that virtual workouts, while convenient, often can’t replicate. As I’ve learned, sometimes the biggest benefit of showing up to a class isn’t just physical, but the sense of community you leave with. If you’re looking to enhance your athletic performance or find a sense of community, Pottruck’s fitness classes might be the right place for you. 

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