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Your Tarot Reading for the Week Promises Major Transformation



Your Tarot Reading for the Week Promises Major Transformation

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Scorpio season starts this week like a phoenix rising from the ashes. The zodiac’s master of transformation gives you the the courage to face the darkest and deadliest truths and horrors of the world—it’s SO Halloween! The Four of Cups accompanies this astrological shift and urges us all to seek out wonder, magic, and all things hidden. Basically, be spooky! We all possess magic, but most of us take it for granted. Embrace your intuition, spot the glimmers, and see the signs. Notice your own magic and amplify it this week.


six of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

You’re one of the most open-hearted and generous people around, Aries, and that’s why you’re so loved. The Six of Pentacles amplifies this part of your personality, gifting you with opportunities to help others. Seize the day and step in to offer support, advice, and resources. People value your presence because you make them feel stronger and braver. Make a difference this week, Aries.


knight of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Knight of Cups is a social, charismatic, loving, and happy character. He’s also associated with water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Maybe such a person is going to enter your world this week. You could fall in love with them, even love at first sight! Intense romance and adventure is possible with this card, and you are ruled by Venus herself so you’re no stranger to love stories. Or maybe this card indicates a new friendship or creative collaboration that just falls into place. It could even be a rekindling of your existing relationship. Expect passion and intimacy this week.


strength tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

I want you to acknowledge how far you’ve come this year, Gemini. Consider the life lessons, the challenges, the difficult questions (that you answered), and the responsibilities you shouldered (because maybe others wouldn’t). You are strong. You are wise. You are capable of just about anything. Embed this belief deep into your heart and carry it with you like a little lamp. Brighten it when you feel scared. Remember who you are!


page of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Cancer, you need a creative approach. Take it back to the drawing board and imagine that you’re dealing with this problem like a child would. It’s at that level of simplicity and honesty that a breakthrough will be made. You’ve added too much stuff to this situation—projections, analysis, undercurrents, side theories, etc. Strip it back, make it basic, and explain it to yourself as if you were five years old. Then, the solution will be obvious.


three of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Great news from the tarot cards this week, Leo: You have full permission to live freely, spontaneously, and wildly! Go wild! The Three of Wands suggests lightening your commitments, schedule, and to-do list. Leave lots of space for life to bring you things to do and places to go that you hadn’t planned on. This is one of those weeks where your plans will go out of the window because better options will arise and you’d be a fool to say “no” to them. Be ready for a whirlwind of activity, and say “yes” to it all.


ten of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Look out, Virgo, because the Ten of Wands can be a red flag that you’re nearing a burnout. This can be mental, physical, or emotional. You take so much responsibility onto your own shoulders and it can get very heavy. You don’t like admitting you need help or when you’ve made a mistake. Let it all go this week. Others can help, people can manage by themselves, and you deserve a break. Take care of yourself first and foremost. It’s time for a time-out.


page of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

People don’t give you enough credit for your intelligence, Libra, but the Page of Pentacles acknowledges your brainy side and recommends a phase of studying or practical education. It’s possible that what you learn will directly and immediately benefit your career or finances, but maybe it’s something that just seems interesting. Learning is never a wasted activity. Your mind spins very quickly and you need plenty of stimulus to stay balanced and harmonious. Feed your brain this week.


page of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

It’s not natural, easy, or even possible to be optimistic and positive 24/7. No one is. We all wallow and moan and look on the dark side of life. You, Scorpio, are perhaps more prone to this than most, being ruled by Pluto and drawn to all things occult, secret, and hidden. But get your head up this week. Stare at the sunlight. Turn away from topics, people, places, and roles that drag you down, make you stressed, or remind you of unhappy times.


queen of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Are you taking care of yourself, Sag? I recently watched a Reel that asked us to imagine, when we were born, that we were given just one purpose: to look after a human throughout its life. And that human is yourself. When you wake up each day with that goal in mind, it’s likely the things you’d do would be very different to what actually ends up happening! The Queen of Cups wants you to take care of your human (you!). Go seek out healthy, wholesome, restful, stimulating, and rewarding activity. Make this week all about taking care of yourself.


six of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Capricorns have a tendency to be suspicious and think the world is plotting against them… but the Six of Wands is the direct opposite of that vibe. This card brings a plethora of happiness, good luck, and fortunate events your way. In fact, the lucky spell may last as long as the next six weeks! Make the most of this golden opportunity, Capricorn, by prioritizing your most important projects, relationships, and ambitions. Put your energy into them and they will be successful.


three of swords tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Your sign is associated with honesty and transparency, which is why your astrological symbol is the water-bearer (think about the purity and clarity of water). The Three of Swords shows that something has really shocked you recently—a betrayal or a cruel remark. You just wouldn’t behave that way, so it has rocked your stability that someone else has. The question is: What will you do about it? You could cut them off. You could take a time-out. You could hear them out. You could forgive them right now. Make a decision, and put your protection at the heart of it.


queen of wands

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Queen of Wands gives you a beautiful invitation to have an adventure. This week feels like it’s going to be exciting, magical, and surprising in all kinds of ways. Travel, creativity, and education are all in play. You’re going to make some upgrades to your everyday lifestyle, introducing an element of enchantment, play, and fantasy (your favorite things). Romanticize your life, Pisces, and be whimsical. Enjoy yourself.

Headshot of Kerry Ward

Kerry Ward has been reading, teaching and creating tarot decks, books, and content for over 25 years, and is a horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan US.  You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure. She is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and Cardless Tarot. She also created the Good Karma, Crystal Magic, and Taroscopes tarot decks. She likes to self-publish unique journals in her spare time, such as The Guided Magic Manifesting Journal and the latest Haunted House Journal. She is a Gemini, so writing is her favourite thing!
Follow her on Instagram h for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.

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