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Affirm Predicts ‘Slow Shopping’ Trend to Accompany Increased Consumer Spending This Holiday Season | AFRM Stock News



Affirm Predicts ‘Slow Shopping’ Trend to Accompany Increased Consumer Spending This Holiday Season | AFRM Stock News

Affirm (AFRM) reveals a new ‘slow shopping’ trend in their latest consumer research, with 73% of consumers adopting this approach for holiday shopping. The study shows that 68% plan to spend the same or more than last year, with over 50% finishing their shopping on or after Black Friday. Key findings indicate that 55% prioritize value for money, while 50% consider 0% APR financing as valuable as traditional discounts. The research, conducted by Talker Research, surveyed 2,000 Americans and highlights consumers’ strategic approach to holiday spending, with 60% starting earlier and making more frequent, smaller purchases.

Affirm (AFRM) rivela una nuova tendenza di ‘shopping lento’ nella sua ultima ricerca sui consumatori, con il 73% dei consumatori che adotta questo approccio per lo shopping natalizio. Lo studio mostra che il 68% prevede di spendere lo stesso o di più rispetto allo scorso anno, con oltre il 50% che completa i propri acquisti il giorno del Black Friday o dopo. I risultati principali indicano che il 55% dà priorità al rapporto qualità-prezzo, mentre il 50% considera il finanziamento con un tasso APR dello 0% altrettanto prezioso quanto gli sconti tradizionali. La ricerca, condotta da Talker Research, ha intervistato 2.000 americani e mette in evidenza l’approccio strategico dei consumatori alla spesa natalizia, con il 60% che inizia prima e fa acquisti più frequenti e di importi minori.

Affirm (AFRM) revela una nueva tendencia de ‘compras lentas’ en su última investigación de consumidores, con el 73% de los consumidores adoptando este enfoque para las compras navideñas. El estudio muestra que el 68% planea gastar lo mismo o más que el año pasado, y más del 50% termina sus compras en o después del Black Friday. Los hallazgos clave indican que el 55% prioriza la relación calidad-precio, mientras que el 50% considera que el financiamiento al 0% de APR es tan valioso como los descuentos tradicionales. La investigación, realizada por Talker Research, encuestó a 2,000 estadounidenses y destaca el enfoque estratégico de los consumidores hacia el gasto navideño, con el 60% comenzando antes y realizando compras más frecuentes y de menor importe.

Affirm (AFRM)은 최신 소비자 연구에서 ‘느린 쇼핑’이라는 새로운 트렌드를 공개했으며, 73%의 소비자가 휴가 쇼핑을 위해 이 접근 방식을 채택하고 있습니다. 연구 결과에 따르면 68%가 작년과 동일하거나 더 많이 지출할 계획이며, 50% 이상이 블랙 프라이데이에 쇼핑을 마무리합니다. 주요 결과는 55%가 가성비를 우선시한다는 것을 보여주며, 50%는 0% APR 금융이 전통적인 할인과 마찬가지로 가치 있다고 생각합니다. Talker Research가 실시한 이 연구는 2,000명의 미국인을 대상으로 하였으며, 소비자들이 휴가 지출에 대해 전략적으로 접근하고 있음을 강조합니다. 60%가 더 일찍 쇼핑을 시작하고 더 자주, 소규모로 구매하는 경향이 있습니다.

Affirm (AFRM) révèle une nouvelle tendance de ‘shopping lent’ dans sa dernière étude auprès des consommateurs, avec 73% des consommateurs adoptant cette approche pour les achats de fin d’année. L’étude montre que 68% prévoient de dépenser autant ou plus que l’année dernière, et plus de 50% terminent leurs achats le jour de Black Friday ou après. Les résultats clés indiquent que 55% privilégient le rapport qualité-prix, tandis que 50% considèrent que le financement à 0% APR est aussi précieux que les réductions traditionnelles. La recherche, menée par Talker Research, a interrogé 2 000 Américains et met en avant l’approche stratégique des consommateurs en matière de dépenses de fin d’année, avec 60% qui commencent plus tôt et effectuent des achats plus fréquents et de plus petits montants.

Affirm (AFRM) offenbart in seiner neuesten Verbraucherforschung einen neuen Trend des ‘langsamen Einkaufens’, wobei 73% der Verbraucher diesen Ansatz für das Einkaufen zu den Feiertagen übernehmen. Die Studie zeigt, dass 68% planen, gleich viel oder mehr auszugeben als im letzten Jahr, wobei über 50% ihre Einkäufe an oder nach dem Black Friday abschließen. Wichtige Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass 55% Wert auf das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis legen, während 50% 0% APR-Finanzierung als ebenso wertvoll erachten wie traditionelle Rabatte. Die von Talker Research durchgeführte Studie befragte 2.000 Amerikaner und hebt den strategischen Ansatz der Verbraucher für die Feiertagsausgaben hervor, wobei 60% früher beginnen und häufigere, kleinere Einkäufe tätigen.


  • 73% of consumers adopting ‘slow shopping’ approach indicates potential for sustained sales

  • 68% of consumers plan to maintain or increase holiday spending compared to last year

  • 50% of consumers view 0% APR financing as equally valuable to traditional discounts

  • 60% of consumers starting shopping earlier, suggesting extended shopping season


  • 34% cite inflation as reason for higher spending, indicating pressure on consumer purchasing power

  • Slower, more deliberate shopping approach may impact immediate sales velocity


This consumer spending research reveals significant shifts in holiday shopping behavior that could impact Affirm’s growth trajectory. The data showing 68% of consumers maintaining or increasing spending levels, combined with 50% valuing 0% APR financing equally or more than traditional discounts, signals strong potential for Affirm’s BNPL services this season.

The emergence of “slow shopping” (73% adoption rate) actually benefits Affirm’s business model, as deliberate purchasing decisions align well with their financing options. The shorter 27-day holiday shopping window between Thanksgiving and Christmas creates urgency that could drive consumers toward flexible payment solutions.

The research indicating 53% of consumers using pay-over-time options for affordability suggests growing mainstream acceptance of BNPL services. This behavioral shift, coupled with inflation concerns, positions Affirm favorably to capture increased market share during the critical holiday season.

New Affirm research reveals over 50% of consumers plan to finish their holiday shopping on or after Black Friday and nearly 70% are planning to spend the same or more on holiday shopping this year

Research also highlights the positive impact of 0% APR financing on purchasing decisions

Consumers are not holding back on holiday spending this year – but they are taking a more deliberate approach to the purchases they make, according to new research from Affirm (NASDAQ: AFRM), the payment network that empowers consumers and helps merchants drive growth.

The study, conducted by Talker Research on behalf of Affirm, reveals the growing trend of “slow shopping,” with nearly three in four consumers (73%) saying they have adopted this approach for the holiday shopping season. Additionally, three in five consumers (60%) say they have started their shopping earlier, making more frequent, smaller trips, and being mindful of what they buy this year.

When asked why, consumers pointed to value and intention. More than one in two consumers (53%) say they “slow shop” to ensure they are only purchasing items they truly want, and more than one in three (36%) say it helps them take more time to research their purchases and compare different brands and styles. At the same time, more than half (51%) say they are using “slow shopping” to take advantage of more deals and promotions, a need Affirm is directly addressing through its exclusive 0% APR offers.

“Every year, we see consumers starting their holiday shopping earlier, but this time it’s different—they are also taking their time. Over 50% plan to finish their purchases on or after Black Friday,” said Vishal Kapoor, Affirm’s SVP of Product. “With just 27 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, expect consumers to use this time to carefully weigh their options and hunt for the best value from retailers, including more flexible ways to pay offered via longer payment terms and unique credit offers.”

Consumers may be pacing their holiday spending, but they are not cutting back. Nearly 70% of consumers (68%) plan to spend the same or more than they did last year – fully aware of higher costs. Over one in three (34%) cite inflation as the reason they expect to pay more for the same number of gifts.

Against this backdrop, budgeting and affordability are among consumers’ top priorities this holiday season. Key findings show that:

  • Over half of consumers (55%) prioritize finding value for money and hunting for the best deals.
  • Half of consumers (50%) consider 0% APR financing options to be just as, if not more, valuable than traditional discounts.
  • Over half of consumers (53%) are using pay over time options to make the cost of a purchase more affordable, closely followed by the ability to help them budget (52%).

“With the majority of consumers (65%) setting a holiday shopping budget this year, many will seek flexible and transparent payment options like Affirm,” Kapoor added. “This holiday, consumers can find exclusive deals for as low as 0% APR when they use Affirm at checkout, including via digital wallets, and can rest assured that they’ll never be hit with late or hidden fees.”

Survey methodology

This random double-opt-in survey of 2,000 general population Americans was commissioned by Affirm between September 24 and October 2, 2024. It was conducted by market research company Talker Research, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society (MRS) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR).

About Affirm

Affirm’s mission is to deliver honest financial products that improve lives. By building a new kind of payment network – one based on trust, transparency and putting people first – we empower millions of consumers to spend and save responsibly, and give thousands of businesses the tools to fuel growth. Unlike most credit cards and other pay-over-time options, we show consumers exactly what they will pay up front and never charge any late or hidden fees. Follow Affirm on social media: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | X.



Claire Battista


Source: Affirm


What percentage of consumers are adopting ‘slow shopping’ according to Affirm’s research?

According to Affirm’s research, 73% of consumers have adopted the ‘slow shopping’ approach for the holiday shopping season.

How many consumers plan to finish their holiday shopping after Black Friday for AFRM?

Over 50% of consumers plan to finish their holiday shopping on or after Black Friday, according to Affirm’s research.

What percentage of consumers value 0% APR financing from Affirm (AFRM)?

50% of consumers consider 0% APR financing options to be just as valuable, if not more valuable, than traditional discounts.

How many consumers are planning to spend more or the same on holiday shopping this year?

Nearly 70% (68%) of consumers plan to spend the same or more on holiday shopping compared to last year.

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