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Audley Travel Creates More Than a Vacation



Audley Travel Creates More Than a Vacation

Audley Travel lets the world inspire.

Everyone sees the world differently. Audley Travel helps travelers experience the world differently.

Whether someone longs for the thrill of spotting wild gorillas on a family safari in Rwanda, a week relaxing in volcanic hot springs across Iceland, or the chance to learn how to make tiramisu in Tuscany, Audley handcrafts each trip to help travelers see the world in the way that’s most meaningful to them.

“Everyone has a different hierarchy of what’s important to them when they travel,” says Heather Heverling, president and managing director. “Some people want to relax in nice hotels; others want to focus on experiences. We ask a lot of questions to tailor your trip to how you want to see the world.”

From rugged mountain hikes to luxury resorts, Audley is a Certified B Corporation™, which means that it focuses on ways tourism can help rather than harm local economies. Audley’s Responsible Choice classification system highlights the accommodations and experiences that go above and beyond, ensuring trips are sustainable and benefit the communities that travelers visit. Because these trips are so closely tied to the local community, they often give travelers the most authentic experience.


Throughout travel planning, Audley travelers are paired with a country specialist—someone who’s lived or traveled extensively in the destination. These specialists provide firsthand insights that clients won’t find in a guidebook, from recommendations for a hidden-away eatery to the best room in the hotel for sunset views. Video calls spent getting to know clients are exciting and inspire new ways to personalize a journey.

Heather Heverling, president and managing director says, “An important part of the trip-planning process is establishing a relationship between the client and the specialist. That way, every detail of the itinerary can be fully tailored to meet the traveler’s needs.”


In particular, Audley focuses on organizations and experiences created by local women in communities around the world. A trip to Japan, for example, may include a journey to a rural area with an all-female guide team where travelers can learn about and participate in the traditional art of making mochi rice cakes.

“To truly experience a culture or a country, you have to talk to local women and learn from their experiences,” says Heverling. “Women are integral to a place’s culture and have so much to offer when given the opportunity. When travelers take part in these experiences, they keep traditions alive and help locals earn a living,” states Heater Heverling.

In addition to empowering communities and clients, Audley empowers women like Heverling to feel confident traveling solo.

“I learn more about myself when I travel alone,” says Heverling. “I’m going out of my comfort zone and doing things I normally wouldn’t. But it’s the interactions I have with locals that stay in my heart forever. They help me understand and appreciate different perspectives. Travel is a lifelong lesson in introspection.”

“Women are integral to a place’s culture and have so much to offer when given the opportunity.”

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Source: Audley Travel

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