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The Most Dangerous Job in the World



The Most Dangerous Job in the World

I try to be a responsible gun owner. Most of my guns are kept locked up and unloaded—there are places in this world where you need to have a safari rifle ready at hand, but where I live isn’t one of them, the occasional bear wandering up to my back porch notwithstanding. The ammunition is locked up separately. The loaded guns I keep for emergencies are secured in biometric safes that require my fingerprint to open. Even so, I sometimes worry that I am not doing enough. Guns are dangerous—that is their reason for existing. 

Donald Trump cannot legally own a firearm. There’s a good reason we bar felons from doing so. And next week, Americans might very well give him the keys to the most dangerous arsenal in the world—the one belonging to the U.S. government. 

Nuclear weapons? I don’t think the man should be allowed to vote. 

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