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Can algorithms translate the world? Luana Fleury awarded ASLAs Prize for best master’s thesis 2024 – Centre for Research on Bilingualism



Can algorithms translate the world? Luana Fleury awarded ASLAs Prize for best master’s thesis 2024 – Centre for Research on Bilingualism

Luana Candido Fleury, master’s student in spring 2023 at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, has been awarded the ASLA 2024 Prize for best master’s thesis: “Can algorithms translate the world? A digital discourse analysis of Google Translate’s algorithmic agency in the translation of news reports.”

Two prize winners from the department: Helena Textorius (master’s thesis / magisteruppsats) and Luana Fleury (master’s thesis / masteruppsats). Photo: Mona Blåsjö.

The thesis makes a substantial and pioneering contribution to the field of Critical Discourse Analysis that focuses on digitalized content.

“The study investigates the mediation of meanings by Google Translate’s algorithmic agency, focusing on the translation of news reports from English to Portuguese, the official language of Brazil. The findings of the thesis illuminate how Google Translate’s algorithmic decisions reshape language and representation, constructing and enacting power by renaming reality and reshaping evaluations.” (from the Jury’s reasoning)

Read the Jury’s full reasoning (Fleury) (54 Kb)

2024 ASLA thesis prize winners (in Swedish: 2024 års uppsatspristagare utsedda (ASLA))


What does it mean to you to receive an award for your thesis?

– The motivation behind the ASLA 2024 prize, reflects the dedication and effort I put into investigating the mediation of meanings by Google Translate’s, says Luana.

– My work demonstrates that algorithmic decisions reshape language and representation, constructing and enacting power by renaming reality and reshaping evaluations. Since my defense in 2022, this topic has become even more pertinent, and discussions regarding the impact of generative artificial intelligence and its ethical boundaries have become even more urgent.

– I look forward to continuing my contribution to this field and would be happy to engage in a conversation on the many topics that stem from it.

Read more on LinkedIn: Luana Fleury

Luana received the the award for best master’s thesis (Swedish masteruppsats) together with Helena Textorius, who received the award for best master’s thesis (Swedish magisteruppsats) in 2024. See our Swedish site:

Att göra musik. Helena Textorius har fått ASLA:s pris för bästa magisteruppsats 2024


ASLA, The Swedish Association for Applied Linguistics (Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée) is the Swedish branch of the international association of applied linguistics, AILA (Association internationale de linguistique appliquée). ASLA’s aim is to promote research concerning practical problems to do with language, facilitate contacts between language researchers in Sweden and other countries and encourage participation in AILA’s research networks.

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