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Sherrill’s judge shopping bill backed by watchdog group – New Jersey Globe



Sherrill’s judge shopping bill backed by watchdog group – New Jersey Globe

Legislation sponsored by Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-Montclair) to close judge shopping loopholes has won the support of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

“Judge shopping erodes public trust by leading to perceptions of bias and unequal treatment under the law, rather than ensuring impartiality and fairness,” said Debra Perlin, CREW’s policy director.

Sherrill is leading the charge to pass the End Judge Shopping Act in a bid to prevent anti-abortion activists from “judge shopping” tactics that can result in verdicts that have national implications.  Judge shopping strategies are used to hand-pick a court and outcome in single-judge divisions where Sherill maintains decisions will be assuredly favorable.

The three-term congresswoman wants to be sure “extremists cannot cherry-pick judges who will rule in their favor.”

“Anti-abortion extremists nationwide have turned to the courts in their crusade to restrict women’s bodily autonomy – whether that’s targeting contraceptives or the right to an abortion,” Sherrill said.  “As a former federal prosecutor, I believe that our courts should center around justice, fairness, and service.”

Her proposal would limit a civil action enforceable throughout the U.S. to be initiated only in jurisdictions with two more more active judges.

Sherrill’s nearly one-year-old bill has no co-sponsors and has been languishing in the GOP-controlled House Judiciary Committee.   The Senate version, sponsored by Majority Leader Charles Schumer, was introduced less than two week ago.

“Loopholes like judge shopping erode public trust in our judiciary and endanger women’s rights nationwide,” Sherrill said.

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