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2024 Chatter Shopping Guide | Chattanooga Times Free Press



2024 Chatter Shopping Guide | Chattanooga Times Free Press

Shopping. Either you want to do it until you drop, or you’re a list-checking, in-and-out-as-fast-as-you-can, grab-the-goods-and-go type of shopper.

Or, maybe you fall somewhere in between. Maybe your dread of clothes shopping has you wearing that same Michael Jackson “Thriller” T-shirt since 1983, but you could spend hours poring over racks of used vinyl or perusing the aisles of old butter churns and deer antler candelabras in an antique store.

No matter where you land on the shopping spectrum, the odds are pretty good that you’re going to want to — or have to — go shopping for something, somewhere, at some time. Shopping is as certain in life as death and sales tax. No one gets off shop-free.

Yet, knowing where to find the best store for whatever you’re looking for can be daunting, confusing, overwhelming — especially when there are so many options of stores in Chattanooga.

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