Small Business Saturday Boosts Local Shops with Unique Finds and Community Support
PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (WAGM) – Small Business Saturday is here and local stores are preparing for increased foot traffic.
Small business Saturday is one of the bigger days for local shops and stores say they’ve already been hard at work preparing for customers.
“This is it, this is the time, so we are stocked, ready to wrap, ready to go. For a lot of years, a lot of people just packed up and went to Bangor to do a lot of shopping. Small business Saturday has made people explore their local merchants a little bit and especially on that day just to thank them for being here and being available.” says Kathy Beaulieu, Owner, Wilder’s Jewelry Store.
“It helps get the word out about other business and helps keep them running for over years because a lot of people don’t really notice small businesses. It’s always bigger businesses like Walmart. I think the stuff in smaller businesses is much cooler than just things you could find at Walmart. They’re more unique. People would stop by and then tell other people. Which helps gets us more customers for all year round so we can stay busy.” says Akasha Walton, Storekeeper, Stone Flower Boutique.
Local store owners said they’d like to thank anyone who comes out to support the county’s shops on this Small Business Saturday.
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