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Limitless Sports Club pushes kids to challenge themselves in athletics and beyond



Limitless Sports Club pushes kids to challenge themselves in athletics and beyond

Passing, defense, rebounding and having situational IQ. Those skills aren’t as flashy as scoring, but good teams don’t win without them. That unselfish mindset also applies to life. 

Limitless Sports Club is providing a modernized youth basketball experience where the goal is to set kids up for long-term success through both physical and mental preparation. 

“We’re learning how to deal with problems,” said Mark Waite, who’s the creator of Limitless Sports Club. “We’re learning how to work with our emotions.”

Waite credited the game of basketball for helping him grow up off the court. Now, he’s helping kids gain confidence in a time that’s so important to their development.

“My confidence has gotten better in my mid-range shots and my three pointers,” said 8th grade student Grant Sutherland.  “I also learned how to make better layups. My confidence has increased in school and out of school. Being here has helped me speak better in school. When people ask me questions and things like that.”

Basketball is more than just a game of makes and misses. There’s a mental side that’s just as important as the physical. 

“Communication is No. 1, learning how to use their words. How to use their tone and how to convey their message to other people properly, without letting their emotions get the best of them,” Waite said. “So, we’ll play games and then break in-between games to discuss the ins and outs of what happened. Then we’ll regroup and try again.”

The program serves kids in the 3rd through 8th grade with a variety of different skill levels. When they’re put through drills, the goal is for them to fail, so that they learn how to problem solve.

“Control your attitude and don’t throw temper tantrums,” said student Ellis Golston. “Don’t get upset about one play. Just deal with it and then keep pushing through.”

Waite said parents are also seeing a difference in their kids who are in the program. 

“I had some kids who were afraid coming in, whether that be fear from not having the skillset or just being introduced to a new sport. Then they leave with a new set of confidence and a willingness to approach challenges in life without the fear.”

Limitless has a free intro session coming up on May 4th. They’ll continue to do that monthly. Click here to learn more about the program and the local businesses they’re partnering with in Pilsen. 

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