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Santa Cruz County business filings: Week of Dec. 9, 2024



Santa Cruz County business filings: Week of Dec. 9, 2024

Businesses operating in Santa Cruz County must register with the county clerk. Here is a list of the public filings from local entrepreneurs starting new businesses in the area.

Here is what’s new in local business recently:

  • MAITRI CONSTRUCTION, MAITRI RENOVATIONS was registered at 141 Creekside Lane, Santa Cruz, by Trevor Mahaffey as an individual business on Nov. 25.
  • SANTA CRUZ HOMEBUYER was registered at 707 Koshland Way, Santa Cruz, by Shauna Skylor Gomez as a general partnership on Nov. 25.
  • STARWOOD ARBOR was registered at 2870 Park Ave., Apt. C, Soquel, by Eva Marie Bonanno as an individual business on Nov. 25.
  • BIRD VILLAGE GARDEN APARTMENTS was registered at 17 Dolores Ave., Watsonville, by Rosalie G. Bird as an individual business on Nov. 26.
  • BIRD VILLAGE GARDEN APARTMENTS was registered at 25 Dolores Ave., Watsonville, by Rosalie G. Bird as an individual business on Nov. 26.
  • STANTON MECHANICAL was registered at 144 Browns Valley Rd., Watsonville, by Christopher Jack Stanton as an individual business on Nov. 26.
  • VICTOR VELASCO CONCRETE was registered at 116 Hyde St., Watsonville, by Victor Velasco-ojeda as an individual business on Nov. 26.
  • FUJI SUSHI was registered at 4610 Soquel Dr., Soquel, Gang Hu Liang as an individual business on Nov. 26.
  • THE NUDE YOU was registered at 1051 Water St., Santa Cruz, by Sarah Tuosto as an individual business on Nov. 27.

Disclosure: This list is generated by artificial intelligence. We are constantly working to improve the accuracy and quality of our AI-generated content. However, there may still be errors or inaccuracies. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

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