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What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect During The Month Of May 2024



What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect During The Month Of May 2024

Be prepared to experience the best of the best because your monthly horoscopes for May 2024 based on your Chinese zodiac sign are here to tell you what’s up! But first, what does May have in store for everybody? 

The I Ching hexagram for the month is Fire over Thunder (#21). Fire over Thunder reminds us that astrological events are sometimes so mighty that all we can do is align ourselves to the flow and make small changes in our direction as we ride the wave. Those who respect this great force will always adapt well and land on their feet. Those who don’t will find themselves swallowed by the undertow.

Of course, such mighty changes are usually recognized only over big periods. So, staying mindful as you live your everyday life is the key to success here. Now, let’s focus on each Chinese zodiac sign’s monthly horoscope for May 2024.

Monthly horoscopes for all 12 Chinese zodiac signs:


1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 9 & 19

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 29

Lucky Day for Career: May 15

Rat, the first half of the month will be a period of calm and peace for you. As long as you get enough rest and make time for fun in between your other responsibilities, you will do just fine. You may even make a new friend or two!

The second half of the month will require more effort and mental acuity. So make sure not to skip out on self-care in the first half because that will hinder you here. You are also encouraged to pay attention to your relationship with your significant other or your definition of love if you are single. That’s where you will find the most joy and success.

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1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

ox chinese zodiac sign monthly horoscope may 2024 Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 23

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 15

Lucky Day for Career: May 7

Ox, the first half of the month will be a period of powerful actions and concentrated efforts. Don’t allow anyone to get between you and your goals. If you get distracted, you will lose momentum. This window of opportunity is beautiful yet short. So make the most of it!

The second half of the month promises to be more relaxing and relationship-focused for you. So trust your instincts and only do as much as you know is necessary in other areas of life. Extra efforts at this time may not pay dividends. Instead, focus on quality time with your loved ones.

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1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

tiger chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 2 & 3

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 7

Lucky Day for Career: May 8

Tiger, the first half of May 2024 will feel like a rollercoaster to you. Despite the fluctuating emotions, you will feel gratified in the end and will love the adventure. This is especially true for those of you scheduled for a vacation in this period. Others are encouraged to let their inner child come out and play.

The second half of the month will be more tiring, and you may find yourself struggling to get a full night’s sleep. If that’s the case, incorporate meditation into your life. Some really good apps like Calm and Headspace can help you ease away from anxieties and bring positive regulation to your core self.

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1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

rabbit chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 3

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 7

Lucky Day for Career: May 9

Rabbit, the first half of May 2024 will be challenging for you in terms of whether you can set healthy boundaries. If you succeed, you will find yourself on a new adventure and a journey of a lifetime. Fresh opportunities may come to you, too, because you closed the door on unnecessary engagements and interactions.

The second half of the month promises to be extremely fulfilling if the above is the path you take. You will also find peace and solitude here. That means it’s doubly important to set healthy boundaries so you don’t miss out on your blessings! Read books or listen to podcasts to help you develop this ability.

RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Lucky Number


1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

dragon chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 3

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 5

Lucky Day for Career: May 6 & 9

Dragon, the energy of May 2024 for you is one of reckonings and pivot points. If you feel burdened by responsibilities that are not your own, you are encouraged to set them down and walk away. This is the Year of the Dragon 2024, so don’t waste your window of opportunity or give your blessings away to other people!

If you can do this, the cosmic forces will come through for you and change the game in your favor. What happens next will surprise you in the best way possible. You also have manifestation magic at your fingertips this month. So use it and fly Dragon, fly!

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1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

snake chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 6

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 7

Lucky Day for Career: May 19

Snake, the first half of May 2024 is all about routines and responsibilities for you. It may feel not very easy at times, but if you can excel despite it all, you will receive tremendous love and support from the cosmos. This is especially true for those of you in managerial positions at your workplace.

The second half will build upon the success of the first with scope for expansion and new friends in the wings. Put yourself out there and socialize more. Intriguing experiences await you on this path (and maybe even love for one or two of you).

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1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

horse chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 23

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 25

Lucky Day for Career: May 17

Horse, the first half of the month will be all about wielding your power with grace and skill, whether in your career, personal life, or elsewhere. If you can do this, you will gain a lot of respect, especially if you are a social media personality or have a public-facing job.

The second half will build upon this by bringing you opportunities from people who are above you on the ladder. Some of you may find your next mentor. Others will be lucky enough to meet folks who will hold the metaphorical door open for you so you can reach the next level.

RELATED: The Best (And Worst) Chinese Zodiac Compatibility For All Signs


1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

goat chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 23

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 15

Lucky Day for Career: May 14

Goat, the first half of May 2024 urges you to turn inward and figure out the root of bad habits or procrastination within you. Show love and kindness to yourself and create a safe space for honest investigation. This will enable you to grow and flower and finally put to rest the toxic cycles you may have become trapped in.

The second half of the month will build on this and bring you new friends and acquaintances who will help you step out of your comfort zone, try new things/embark on fresh adventures. Now’s the perfect time to sign up for a retreat or a workshop that enhances your skills and brings you peace at the same time.

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1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

monkey chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 12

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 11 & 12

Lucky Day for Career: May 13

Monkey, your fate in May 2024 is tied to other people, whether you are aware of this or not. You are encouraged to be observant as you go about your days and not to ignore red flags. Peer pressure may be a problem for you, too, this month, so watch out! As long as you stay calm, you will find a way through any challenge life presents to you.

Meditation is being highlighted here as something that can ground you and give you power back over yourself and your life. You are also encouraged to surround yourself with people who bring you joy and love, even if they are friends on the internet!

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1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

rooster chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 13

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 17

Lucky Day for Career: May 19

Rooster, the first half of May 2024 will be a time of regrouping with your friends, touching base, and discovering what’s new in each of your lives. The more quality time you spend with the folks who bring you love and joy, the better things will be for you. This doesn’t have to be in person, though. Video calls and regular phone calls count, too!

The second half of the month is up in the air at this time, mainly because it will build on what happens in the first half. So rest easy and let your intuition guide you to the best outcomes.

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1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

dog chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 15

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 17

Lucky Day for Career: May 28

Dog, the energy of May 2024 is not set in stone for you because of cosmic fluxes and changing times. You are encouraged to pay close attention to your emotions and inner pointer as they will guide you to the best paths for progress. As long as you follow what’s tried and tested, you will be good.

You can work with Clear Quartz at this time to help you gain more clarity about your life and even attain spiritual peace. Meditating while holding a clear quartz palmstone is also a great way to hear the true voice of your soul.

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1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

pig chinese zodiac sign may 2024 horoscope Surotype, Finx Patcharoapong from Finx’s Images | Canva Pro

Lucky Day for Love: May 15

Lucky Day for Friendship: May 17

Lucky Day for Career: May 25

Pig, the first half of May 2024 will be a period of flux for you with big changes and fast movement in most areas of life. Ride the wave, and you will reach where you need to. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, as that will distract you from your path and make you fall off the metaphorical surfboard.

You are encouraged to be more mindful of rest and relaxation during the second half of the month. This will prevent burning out and stimulate your creativity. If you feel called to go into introvert mode, do so, and don’t feel guilty!

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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