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Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for May



Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for May

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • May 2: Pluto Retrograde begins in Aquarius
  • May 7: New Moon in Taurus
  • May 15: Mercury enters Taurus
  • May 20: Gemini season begins
  • May 23: Venus enters Gemini
  • May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius
  • May 23: Jupiter in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • May 25: Jupiter enters Gemini

You’ve got your eye on the prize at the beginning of the month, Leo. Taurus season helps you focus on your personal and professional ambitions. You’re more visible during this time of the year, and with that comes the prospect of receiving long-overdue recognition for all of your hard work!

Some drama, competition, and jealousy might bubble up in your closest connections on May 2, when Pluto Retrograde begins in Aquarius. Hidden power dynamics that you thought were resolved reappear. Today, you may need to have some uncomfortable conversations. On May 3, Mars in Aries links up with Pluto in Aquarius and you’re ready to move forward on a discussion or plan that has the potential to transform your life. This is a day for making progress, taking risks, and sharing an important message!

The New Moon in Taurus on May 7 ushers in a fresh start for your professional and public life. Maybe you’re leaving an old job and venturing down a new career path, or achieving a personal goal. Someone surprising is in awe of you and your gifts on May 13 when the Sun in Taurus meets with Uranus in Taurus. Remember to be yourself in the face of others trying to project their ideas onto you. You may shock a few people with what you share or what you do, but taking a risk will be worth it. Mercury, the planet of communication and information, enters Taurus on May 15. Over the next few weeks, you might be in discussion for a raise, promotion, or a new work contract. You’re also thinking more about your personal and professional dreams—does what you’re currently building and working toward still feel right?

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Your star is rising and shining on May 18 when the Sun, your planetary ruler, meets up with Jupiter. This marks a fresh cycle for your reputation, accomplishments, and professional desires. There is luck, abundance, and support in the air today—so put yourself out there! Some more unexpected luck comes when Venus in Taurus links up with Uranus in Taurus later in the day. You might hear from someone unexpected or make a rash decision. You’re done feeling stagnant!

The Sun enters Gemini on May 20, putting you in a grateful mood and reminding you that friendships and community fill your cup. Over the course of this Gemini season, you might be towards a dream. The next few weeks have excellent vibes, so don’t waste them. Draft that book proposal or set up your Etsy story!

May 23 is an incredibly jam-packed day in the sky, and it all begins with a Full Moon in Sagittarius. A creative project or romantic relationship that started under last year’s New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 might reach a turning point. On the same day, Venus and Jupiter, the two luckiest planets, meet up in Taurus. This can make you feel like you’re the star of the show. Don’t be shy in asking for what you’re really worth! Later in the day, Jupiter in Taurus mingles with Neptune in Pisces, lending you a sense of deep gratitude for your loved ones. You could also learn about a contract or opportunity. Toward the end of the day, Venus, the planet of relationships and harmony, enters Gemini. Over the next few weeks, this puts you in a position for luck to find you. Singles might meet someone online or in a class they’ve signed up for, and couples are eager to socialize with friends, double date, or attend concerts and festivals.

On May 25, Jupiter, the planet of support and growth, enters Gemini for the first time since June 2012 to 2013. Think back to that time period—similar topics are bubbling up to the surface. A goal you initiated 12 years ago may finally reach fruition. This next year brings expansion and support for your next set of hopes and dreams for your future. You can achieve a lot—especially when you lean on your network. You’re also reflecting on community and forming new bonds with different groups of people who share your interests and values. Long-term friendships can begin to blossom.

On the same day, Venus in Gemini syncs up with Pluto in Aquarius, bringing someone influential into your sphere. You might be ready to sign a contract or embark on a collaborative project. There’s more depth in your relationships, too, and maybe an acquaintance is turning into a BFF. The month ends with some surprising news regarding your professional path on May 30 when Mercury and Uranus team up in the sign of Taurus. You’re not holding back how you really feel. Sharing your thoughts and ideas can be liberating today.

Headshot of Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She’s studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic. 

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