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Cancer Monthly Horoscope



Cancer Monthly Horoscope


Reach out to your network, Crab. This month draws you beyond the confines of your shell—while still offering some cozy downtime in between jaunts. With the Sun in Taurus and your social, idealistic eleventh house until May 20, your connections are your lifeblood. Pull yourself out of worker-bee mode and go to that event or lunch (even a virtual one), making sure to share what you’re up to with old and new acquaintances. Possibilities are percolating right in your circle, Cancer, but you won’t find them unless you start spreading the news!

You may have the opportunity to play superconnector yourself, especially on May 7, when the year’s only Taurus new moon beams into this same symbiotic sector of your chart. A friendship or meeting of the minds could spark, or you might begin exploring a fruitful collaboration. Events that occur today will unfold over the coming two weeks and continue to gain momentum between now and the November 15 Taurus full moon. 

The eleventh house rules technology, so look for ways you can raise your digital profile, from sprucing up your online profiles to downloading helpful apps to crowdsourcing talent for your big ideas. Looking for that missing link to pull off a grand vision? Put it out on the socials—and tell your friends to ask their friends. The May 7 new moon is a great day to gather. Host a party or meetup and adopt a “more the merrier” open-door policy.

Are your attachments rooted in healthy dynamics—or is obsession, avoidance and resentment brewing underneath? We know: Not exactly lighthearted conversation, Cancer. But it’s a topic you might face starting May 2, when Pluto, ruler of unconscious patterns and blind spots, turns retrograde until October 11. 

This year, Pluto will split its backspin between Aquarius (until September 1) and Capricorn, the signs that rule the most intimate and committed zones of your chart. During this reflective time, you could get an up-close view of your own “shadow” around charged topics like sex, emotions, money and power-sharing. Where might you be projecting onto others or contributing to negative patterns in a relationship? If you find yourself pointing fingers or feeling like the always-done-wrong victim, read up on what the Gottman Institute calls the Four Horsemen: criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling.

Pluto retrograde is your opportunity to make peace with any parts of yourself that aren’t getting you what you want in life. If jealousy arises or a person triggers you, try to see them as a messenger or a mirror. How are they reflecting some part of YOUR life that’s out of alignment? People who get under your skin could be spotlighting areas where you need to make a major change or set firmer boundaries.

If you’ve been too immersed in the couple bubble or fixated on one specific person, mix it up! The May 13 annual meetup of the Sun and changemaker Uranus in Taurus could spark a fascinating new friendship out of the blue. An avant-garde collaboration can add a whole new twist to your agenda. You might also have a shocking moment of truth with a friend or colleague since Uranus is famous for its curveballs. 

Is your posse stuck at a plateau? You could break ties with a stale or stifling squad to follow a more authentic path. Hey, if you can’t be yourself around your so-called closest friends, what’s the point? This Sun-Uranus conjunction could rouse your inner geek: A heavy emphasis on technology from both Uranus and the innovative eleventh house makes this a great day to launch a digital venture or amplify your online presence. 

One of the best days this month arrives on May 18, when the bold Sun and lucky Jupiter make their once-a-year conjunctclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ion (meetup). This annual event, called The Day of Miracles, is believed by some astrologers to be one of the most fortunate days of the year. While you won’t have to try hard (if at all) to attract people who want to support you and collaborate, this trailblazing cosmic duo will reward you abundantly for taking a risk. 

Your only job? Scuttle out of that famous Crab shell and connect! Reach out to an influential group, attend an event and spread your message virtually. Looking for opportunity? Crowdsource among your friends and watch some miraculous results turn up. Searching for that missing link to pull off a grand vision? Put it out on the apps and socials—and ask your friends to ask THEIR friends.

On May 20, the Sun slips into Gemini and your twelfth house of healing and closure, beckoning you back into your sanctuary. Pace yourself for the next four weeks and tie up any loose ends or lingering obligations before Cancer season (and your birthday) arrives. You might crave some time off the grid so you can follow your own rhythms. Just be careful not to isolate yourself or burrow so deeply into that shell that you lose touch with your community.

There’s no dozing off at the wheel on May 23. That day, the Sagittarius full moon arrives, flooding your sixth house of health, fitness and organization with its bountiful beams. If you’ve been waiting for an answer on a medical matter or planning to revamp your wellness routines, this could be an important day of news and action. The full moon in your hygienic sixth house could inspire a deep-clean and decluttering of your home and workspace. Out with the old! 

The full moon in this analytical zone can help you wrangle unruly parts of your life into a tidy, streamlined system. Overwhelmed by details and tasks? Don’t try to figure that out alone. The Sagittarius full moon in your sixth house of helpful people could bring the dream assistant or service provider into your orbit. If anyone on Team Cancer isn’t pulling their weight, you might decide to cut them loose. 

The sixth house rules the digestive system and gut health in particular. Maybe you’ll turn your attention to your internal environment and start a spring cleanse or change your eating habits. Is it time to schedule that preventive colonoscopy? Not to get overly personal here, but screenings can save lives. Book your checkups and take care of your body. It’s your soul’s address, after all.

Speaking of souls, spiritual life is about to become a hot topic for Crabs, a trend that will last all the way into Cancer season 2025. On May 25, expansive Jupiter slips into Gemini and your twelfth house of rest, healing and closure, where it will stay until June 9, 2025. A long 12-year chapter of your life is coming to a close.

We’ll be honest: Hosting Jupiter in your solar twelfth house is not always an easy run. The twelfth house rules closure, forgiveness, surrender…and Cancers can be dyed-in-the-wool experts at holding on (those famous Crab claws can cling!). 

In all fairness, the most ancient parts of our human brains are wired for survival, which makes us all control freaks in our own way. Letting go is NOT easy! Most people fight these tides until they finally realize that struggling is optional. But now, expansive Jupiter is here to help you release your grip and (here’s the big one) RECEIVE. 

While Jupiter visits Gemini through June 9, 2025, you could think of yourself as being on one long spiritual or artistic retreat—a celestial sabbatical of sorts. Obviously you need to keep functioning in the day-to-day world, Cancer. But if you’ve ever thought about, say, taking a gap year to figure out your path, couch-surf your way through the world or explore transcendental meditation, the next 12 months are your window. You have a cosmic hall pass to engage in rejuvenating downtime, extra rest (‘cause you’ll be sleepier than usual) or some deep emotional healing.

The twelfth house rules transitions, and you may be dealing with a loss, the end of a relationship or a big life change. A lot of your energy will go into processing this, and you may feel disoriented or overwhelmed at moments, especially during the earlier part of this journey. You may need to cut some codependent ties or confront a saboteur. 

Expansive Jupiter could also bring a happy shift: You could meet a soulmate, welcome a child or finally walk away from a draining situation. Jupiter in this imaginative zone can bring a banner year to artistic Cancerians. You could get signed for a creative project, perhaps a record deal, gallery show or major department-store order for your jewelry line. Since Jupiter rules publishing, you might even write your memoir or try your hand at poetry or historical fiction.

As Jupiter changes signs, take a moment to appreciate how much you’ve grown in the past year. Since May 16, 2023, Jupiter has been in Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. Cancer by nature don’t tend to be “joiners”—you’re selective about the company you keep and guard your privacy. But over the past year, you’ve branched out and become more open-minded and independent. Maybe you dove into collaborations, widened your friend circle or became more vocal (both online and in real-time). Whatever you did, there was lots of growth, and now, you have a year to process it all.

The grand prize? On June 9, 2025, lucky Jupiter moves into YOUR sign, kicking off a fresh 12-year chapter of your life. Jupiter was last in Cancer from June 25, 2013, to July 16, 2014. Whatever you started then could finally get completed in the next 12 months. Head into this cycle with deliberate intentions, and you’ll be ready for your next big moves a year from now.

Go all in or keep it casual? For the first three weeks of the month, you might be pulled in both directions. Part of you is feeling a bit anxious about the future and where things are going. At the same time, you want to keep some mystery and fantasy in the space instead of fretting about your five-year plan.

So what’s driving this? All month long, randy Mars will race through Aries and your long-term-goals realm (from April 30 to June 9, to be precise). It’ll be easy to be swept up in happily-ever-after fantasies too quickly or get a few steps ahead of yourself in a solid union. Set clear intentions and boundaries NOW, before you fall down any romantic rabbit holes. With the red planet stoking the flames of passion, no one will fault you for getting a little intense. You just don’t want to put that fire out by being overly focused on “where things are going.” 

The antidote: Come back to the present moment and savor it as best as you can! That won’t be hard while the other love planet, Venus, is in Taurus and your social sector until May 23, adding a lighthearted touch. If your emotions are revving a little high, step back and get advice and perspective from your closest friends. Or better still, break up the obsessing and intensity with a swirl of fun. Unattached? Group hangs can be a rich source of potential prospects, so chat up new faces—or the familiar ones you always gravitate to. With Venus in your tech sector, you could find worthwhile candidates on the dating apps too.

In the final hours of its visit to Taurus on May 23, Venus will unite with global Jupiter, the planet of luck. This could bring a long-distance connection online or a flirtatious chat. Under the light of the Sagittarius full moon, you could find your way into a healthy connection or have an important conversation that leaves no stone unturned.

Then Venus will plunge into Gemini and your internally focused twelfth house until June 17. You may once again paddle too far out on the emotion ocean to swim back to shore. What to do? Catch the right wave, ride it home and let those feelings flow. On dry land, drop your guard, allow people to see your caring and vulnerable side, and ask for support when you need it. If you’re healing from a heartbreak, there will be no more avoiding those difficult emotions. The only way out of it is through it. Just make sure you have plenty of support for when you need to grieve, vent or process any pain. 

If you’re happily coupled, expect to be washed to sea by a nostalgic or mushy wave or three. Let yourself gush over your mate and be spoiled too. By opening yourself up to receiving, you’ll feel no shortage of love in your life!

Delegate and collaborate! With the Sun in Taurus and your eleventh house of group activity until May 20, teamwork can triple your productivity. Outsource a task you’ve been putting off forever. Hire someone to build bookshelves for your home office or to proofread your short stories so you can submit them to a literary journal—and free up some psychic space already. Short on funds? Work the barter system. Surely someone in your network needs your savvy skills in exchange for their offerings. 

The May 18 meetup of the Sun and Jupiter, AKA The Day of Miracles, could bring an invitation or an opportunity to connect with a group for superpowered gain. Teaming up with complementary collaborators can take your dreams to new heights.

No need to rush into anything overly concrete, though. You have full planetary permission to explore your options and dig your hands into some soft clay as you explore how your next life chapter could look. With auspicious Jupiter entering your creative and imaginative twelfth house for a year on May 25, some Crabs could take a more winding path between now and June 9, 2025,  if not a few well-deserved breaks!

Love Days: 21, 26

Money Days: 5, 14

Luck Days: 11, 30

Off Days: 9, 23, 28

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