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Every Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope On May 6 – 12



Every Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope On May 6 – 12

Bold and brave is the energy of this week, between May 6 – 12, 2024. Let your heart speak to you and find healing. Before we get to the weekly horoscopes for every Chinese zodiac sign, let’s take a look at the general messages of the week for everyone. 

The I Ching hexagram of the week is Earth over Water (#7). It reminds us that solutions to problems often exist right before our eyes. We just have to still ourselves enough to see it. Meditation can help you quieten your busy mind and silence your anxieties, thus opening you up to the solutions lurking in the deep waters of your soul. 

If you feel called to, do daily journaling this week using prompts that resonate with you. Here are a few to get you started: What are your hopes for the week? Who do you cherish the most in the world, and why? If you could have everything in the world at the snap of a finger, what would you wish for first? Now, let’s focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for May 6 – 12.

Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for May 6 – 12:


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, the energy this week is all about leaning on your intellect and allowing it to show you the genius that lies within. A few minutes of focused breathing can easily put you in touch with this side of yourself.

Lucky Day in Love: May 7

Your love life and social life are entwined this week, so don’t be surprised if you meet someone special through your friends or while attending a baby shower. Be your true self. The right one won’t be discouraged by it.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 8

You are encouraged to dress to the nines and shine bright. Your soul tribe will cheer you on. Don’t let the naysayers affect you.

Lucky Day for Career: May 11 & 12

As for your career, things will progress as usual. Watch out for systemic or accounting glitches. For some, this may not be a glitch but a deliberate act.

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(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, the energy this week is all about catching up on rest and sleep. Don’t overexert yourself, but do make time for self-care and pampering sessions.

Lucky Day in Love: May 10

In love, you are urged to pay attention to the red flags and look more closely if someone is trying to dazzle you with their confidence, energy, and style.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 9

Your social life will be a hit or miss, but that’s okay. As mentioned above, make time for rest because your soul needs it. Meditation can help you wind down, too, and relax your spirit.

Lucky Day for Career: May 7

In your career, you are encouraged to play fair while showing up for your responsibilities. Most of you are very well-respected. This next phase of life will bring you even more of it.

RELATED: 3 Chinese Zodiac Elements Experiencing An Incredibly Lucky Lunar Year Of The Dragon


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, they say a leopard cannot change its spots. So don’t waste your time and energy on bigoted individuals or naysayers. The cosmic forces have got your back and will help you in any venture you are undertaking.

Lucky Day in Love: May 10

In love, remember that you always have a choice, even when you think you don’t. That will help you find the best solution for yourself and your loved ones without compromising your self-esteem or sabotaging yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 8

As for your social life, it’s up to you if you want to engage with people or not. The energy at this time is good for whatever you decide is a priority. If that’s a personal project, focus on it. If it’s growing your network, focus on that.

Lucky Day for Career: May 7

Not much will happen in your career. Be mindful of the next steps because your patience will pay off.

RELATED: How To Find Your Lucky Number Using Chinese Numerology


(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) 

General Overview:

Rabbit, the energy this week is strong for you—anything you set your mind to can be achieved now. So have faith in yourself, and follow through!

Lucky Day in Love: May 6

In love, you are urged to trust your intuition. If it tells you that you need to back off and work on your unhealed wounds, then do so. That path will lead you to true love eventually.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 6 & 7

Your social life may be a hit or miss, but don’t ignore red flags or disingenuous behavior. It may seem small at first, but icebergs in the ocean tend to appear small, too.

Lucky Day for Career: May 8

As for your career, let things unfold as they are. Now’s not the time for big moves. Now’s the time to bolster your spirits, be patient, and let the processes care for themselves. You’ve got this!

RELATED: 2024 Chinese Year Of The Dragon Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs


(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024) 

General Overview:

Dragon, your personal life will be your focus this entire week for you. Don’t try to escape the drama though. Brushing things under the rug will not help. Open communication will, though.

Lucky Day in Love: May 9

In love, you are about to glow up or already have. This will attract all kinds of people to you. Know your worth, and don’t settle for less!

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 10

From the social perspective, you are encouraged to be open about your feelings even if it scares you at first. Positive change happens when we speak about what must be spoken, be it politics, climate change, human rights, or something else.

Lucky Day for Career: May 11 & 12

In your career, you will find a beautiful opportunity gracing your doorstep. Just be careful that it doesn’t come with weird terms and conditions that are romantically predatory in nature.

RELATED: Dragon Symbolism: The Spiritual Meaning Of A Dragon


(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, the energy this week is about going places for you. Where do you want to go physically, mentally, five years from now, and more? It’s time to start a new adventure.

Lucky Day in Love: May 11 & 12

In love, you are urged to remember that true love can sometimes not fit into your chosen path in life. You can still love them in your heart, but know that you will be miserable (and vice versa) if either of you has to leave your true path to be with the other. It’s a mixed blessing if there ever was one.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 11

In your social life, if you don’t feel like engaging with anyone this week, set your boundaries, and don’t feel guilty. Your soul requires rest and recharging, too. Lean into self-care.

Lucky Day for Career: May 10

Some of you have found the perfect partner or team at work. Treasure this and nurture this team. You will find great success on this path.

RELATED: 8 Types Of Soul Connections Explained


(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, the energy this week for you is all about finding your place in the world where you feel at ease and at home. This is specifically about a career or life purpose that will ground you.

Lucky Day in Love: May 10

In love, you are urged to be open-hearted. It may look like wearing your heart on the sleeves to some people, but that’s not really the case. Your open-heartedness will attract other open-hearted folks to you. That’s what counts.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 9

Socially, some of you are cautioned about sticking to circles where it feels one person is the “mob boss” ruling over the rest of you, even though all of you are supposed to be friends and equals.

Lucky Day for Career: May 7

As for your career, if one path closes or one person says no, try another path or approach another person. That’s your message for this week. Don’t give up!

RELATED: The 5 Chinese Zodiac Elements And Their Meanings


(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, sadness is as much a part of life as happiness. So don’t let anyone make you feel as if you are doing something wrong by expressing your sadness or grief. That’s your message for this week.

Lucky Day in Love: May 7

In love, you are urged to trust your instincts and let them take you where you need to go in matters of love. If that turns you towards self-care, trust the process. If it takes you to a new group of friends, trust that too.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 6

You are also encouraged to not despair if your social circle isn’t a good one or you don’t have people you can call friends. The latter is better than being in the toxic former. You will find your soul tribe. Don’t doubt it!

Lucky Day for Career: May 6

As for your career, things will progress as they have so far. Let it go on as usual, but stay on top of your responsibilities and systems.

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(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, you have magic at your fingertips this week! Take advantage of this cosmic undercurrent and unleash your manifestation powers. You will surprise yourself too.

Lucky Day in Love: May 7

In love, you are urged to know what you want and not budge from that or settle for less. Journal your thoughts and feelings so you don’t get distracted or confused by other people’s desires for their love lives.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 8

You are encouraged to take a break from socialization this week if possible. Focus on self-care and tend to your home and garden (whatever applies to you). Baking is an excellent activity too.

Lucky Day for Career: May 9

As for your career, it’s in the process of up-leveling. Ride this wave and shine bright. You’ve got this!

RELATED: The Luckiest Feng Shui Home Layout For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:

Rooster, the energy this week for you is all about knowing what your priorities are and then focusing on them. Just make sure you aren’t forgetting your loved ones from the list!

Lucky Day in Love: May 11

In love, speak your mind and be your true self. The right person will appreciate and love you for that. Needing to change yourself (superficially or in terms of likes and dislikes) for another person is a big red flag of incompatibility.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 10

If you feel called to, meditate on your future and spend time on introspection. Forgo socialization if that feels right, and let your soul speak clearly to you.

Lucky Day for Career: May 8 & 9

In your career, you are encouraged to stay on top of your responsibilities and let things unfold as usual. Now’s not the time for big moves. So stay the course.

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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, the energy this week for you has an introverted feel to it. Allow your soul to speak to you in peace and quiet by creating such an environment in your home. Light a few scented candles if that helps.

Lucky Day in Love: May 11

In love, think about the long-term and build something that will last. If someone is more interested in a short-term fling, then they are not for you, and that’s okay. You must trust the process, and allow true love to find you.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 9

If you don’t feel like socializing this week, don’t feel guilty about it. Focus on self-care, and journal your thoughts. A good cry can help purge some old wounds too and lead you to healing.

Lucky Day for Career: May 12

As for your career, things are unfolding exactly as they should. As long as you know your responsibilities and do them well, you will be fine.

RELATED: The Luckiest Days Of The Lunar Year For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, the energy this week for you is strong and sweet. Don’t bury yourself in work though! Now’s the time to smell the roses, and allow the beauty of the world to invigorate your spirit.

Lucky Day in Love: May 12

In love, you have magic at your fingertips. Do a manifestation ritual (perhaps after the New Moon on May 7) to bring to you what you truly desire.

Lucky Day in Friendship: May 10

You are also encouraged to step out of your comfort zone in social settings, but also know where to draw the line. It’s a fine balance to strike, but you can do it if you trust yourself and have confidence.

Lucky Day for Career: May 11

In your career, you will shine when you nurture the relationships with your co-workers and teammates. This is not about prying into anyone’s personal lives but more about creating a positive environment so everyone loves solving problems together too.

RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Lucky Number

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality. 

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