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Bowling Green woman accused of scamming hundreds through online business



Bowling Green woman accused of scamming hundreds through online business

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) – A Facebook group titled ‘Beware of Tristen Jenkins’ garnering more than 27-hundred members with thousands of complaints about the business and its owner over the last couple years is warning others about a woman named Tristen Jenkins and her business, ‘The Boujee Blonde Company’ and her Facebook group, which claims to sell clothing, items, and accessories.

“There’s a lot of people coming forward,” said Valeri Blake, of Nashville. “It’s no longer an accident, or something bad happened to her. She’s running a scam.”

Several of the complaints state when they first began ordering from the company they received their items, but after a couple of years, things took a turn.

“Something happened. I mean, why did we get our products for years and then it stop?” Blake said.

Blake says when she first started shopping with the company, she was told it would take months to receive her orders due to shipping from overseas, which she says she was fine with initially.

“I ordered some stuff in December of 2022 and then January of 2023, April of 2023, all the way up until June, I was placing orders,” Blake said.

She claims she has not have received any of her purchased items since January 2023 and she has not been reimbursed.

“Well at some point you have to answer emails or something. I would email the Boujee Blonde email and no response, over and over again,” Blake said.

A similar story for Meadow Chapman, a Bowling Green woman who says she is out several hundred dollars, also with no explanation.

“I had texted the number asking about my order and it was just crickets,” said Meadow Chapman. “The last order I placed that I didn’t get was around January to February of last year, and I ordered three different things that she had posted and still to this day I have not gotten an update, I haven’t gotten any of those three orders, nothing.”

Many of the comments on the Facebook page state they’ve spent hundreds of dollars on merchandise, but never received their items or a response from the business or the owner.

Kentucky State Police tells us there is a case open against Jenkins, but say they could not comment on an active investigation.

The Bowling Green Police department sent us a complaint they received against Jenkins from a women concerned about a potential scam/fraud non-profit organization.

The complaint reported that a “Facebook group that allows only women claims to be a nonprofit organization that helps women in abusive relationships, money and housing situations, suicide prevention, and homelessness, but no money ever got donated to women in hard situations and Jenkins kept the money.”

The Better Business Bureau has received several complaints on the Boujee Blonde Company since May 2023. Most complaints allege customers ordered products off the company’s website but never received their products. The majority state they’ve had zero responses from the business and claim it to be a scam.

“That website ended up getting shut down. So, there’s no way to view any of the orders I placed or anything to kind of show proof I’ve placed an order,” Chapman said.

Chapman does have proof, however, on the payment app Sezzle – showing her purchase history with the company.

The BBB says they’ve have reached out to the Boujee Blonde Company regarding this pattern of complaints and has not received a response.

“I mean, I really hope they shut her down. It’s really really bad. I mean if you scam one person that’s wrong,” Blake said.

WBKO reached out directly to Tristen Jenkins who first agreed to speak with us, but has not responded to our request for a statement.

Valerie hopes others stay far away from Jenkins and her businesses.

“It’s a gamble, like Russian Roulette, you have no idea if you’re going to get it or not and it’s literally like you’re gambling. So, you might win, you might no,” Blake said.

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