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Fitness expert recommends 5 best squat alternatives for bad knees



Fitness expert recommends 5 best squat alternatives for bad knees

Whether it’s building a bigger booty, or growing your legs, squats usually get all glory. After all, it is one of the best compound exercises out there for your lower body. But if you’re prone to knee pain, then this strength exercise may not be the best for you.

According to Steve Chambers, Gym Manager and Certified Personal Trainer at Ultimate Performance there’s lots of reasons why your knees may be suffering while you squat, such as poor form, joint imbalances, weak glutes causing your knees to cave inwards, ego lifting, or it can even be down to your actual body composition. For example, having a short torso and long femur can cause you to lean forwards when you squat, placing pressure on your knees. 

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