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The key drivers of livestream shopping are…



The key drivers of livestream shopping are…

A new survey sheds light onto why and how consumers engage in shopping via livestream video.

The study of more than 1,000 consumers from hosted real-time customer engagement platform provider Agora reveals that nearly half (46%) of respondents expressed interest in livestream shopping events. 

Age played a significant factor in the level of consumer interest in livestream shopping, as this figure rose to 61% of respondents younger than 55 but only 29% of respondents 55 and older. 

Overall, 28% of respondents are more interested in traditional online shopping, while 25% of respondents don’t see any appeal in live shopping events. 

“While younger consumers are more receptive to the immersive and interactive nature of live shopping events, older shoppers’ reluctance to embrace this new format underscores the need for retailers to strike a balance between innovation and familiarity,” said Joe Kwong, head of business development at Agora. “By tailoring their strategies to cater to the customers’ diverse expectations, brands and retailers can create engaging and meaningful live shopping experiences that resonate across generations.”

Convenience emerged as the predominant factor influencing consumer participation in livestream shopping events. Four in 10 respondents identified ease of shopping as their primary motivator, followed closely by product demonstrations (36%). 

Lower percentages said they are primarily driven to perform livestream shopping by engaging with influencers (15%) and interacting with other shoppers (9%).

According to earlier Salesforce data on livestream shopping, 21% of surveyed consumers have made purchases via livestream video.

Principal benefits of livestream shopping over traditional e-commerce

According to the study, 27% of respondents view real-time interaction—the ability to inquire and receive instant feedback—as the principal benefit livestram shopping offers compared to traditional online shopping. 

Another 23% cited exclusive deals, while 21% said they find livestream shopping more engaging and fun than traditional e-commerce.

“Consumers are waiting for that additional nudge by retailers—a demonstration of value, an assurance of convenience, or perhaps a personalized experience that can pull them fully into the fold of a live shopping experience, ” said Kwong. “They’re seeking more than transactions; they’re seeking connections. Live shopping’s interactive nature satisfies this desire, turning shopping from a solitary task into a shared experience.” 

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