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Taurus Weekly Horoscope



Taurus Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF May 13 – 19, 2024

Good luck finding solid ground this week, Taurus—not that you’ll be searching for it. You’re more likely to sprout wings and start soaring. (When Bulls fly? Yeah, it might happen.) Throughout the week, five planets do-si-do through your sign in various exciting configurations.

The first liftoff begins on Monday, May 13, which marks the annual conjunction of innovative Uranus with the Sun in YOUR sign and first house of appearances and identity. This transit can feel like an earthquake is shaking up the foundation of your life. But it’s been happening once a year since 2018 (and will until 2025), so you may feel like an old pro at this point. Plus, it’s not every day that your change-resistant sign is so open to making the kind of radical shifts this transit brings. And just like that, you can step out of old patterns or situations like a tear-away suit—and INTO a shiny new identity. This isn’t merely about shocking people or putting yourself first. Under this game-changing transit, you are encouraged to focus on your deepest desires and the projects you’re passionate about. When you train your laser-like focus on one thing in particular, it could manifest at the speed of a bullet train.

By Wednesday, May 15 you may have a handle on what this next big step is—and feel ready for at least Part One of your big reveal! After a long, ten-week slog through your hazy twelfth house, savvy Mercury buzzes into your sign (until June 3), blessing you with the gift of gab AND the power of persuasion. You’ve never shied away from expressing your point of view, but over the next several weeks, you may need to be a bit more proactive about defending or explaining your position. Mercury in your steadfast sign can spark some rousing debates, but don’t get yourself lost in the woods when your energy would be better spent getting your brainstorm off the ground. The analytical planet will make easy work of all the research and writing projects that come with the territory. Trust yourself and don’t overthink it!

Impactful as this all may sound, the most epic results may come on Saturday, AKA “The Day of Miracles.” As the bright Sun makes its annual conjunction to amplifier Jupiter, fortune favors the bold…and the Bull! For the first time in over a decade, these magnanimous heavenly bodies are uniting in YOUR sign. With your trailblazing, self-authorized first house on fire, you have every reason to take a gamble on a long-held dream. Warning: Your vision could be SO ahead of the curve that critics try to shut it down. But they’re not the ones who will feel incomplete should they never start an experimental pilot program, study to become animal communicators or give beekeeping an honest try. Since growth-agent Jupiter only visits your sign every 12-13 years, you don’t want to waste this juice. Certainly, you should run reality tests on your “insane ideas,” but if the precautionary measures pass the safety tests, well, consider that your green light to pass Go!

And yes, there’s one more planetary duet striking a chord in your sign on Saturday. Your ruler, elegant, beauty-loving Venus makes her annual connection to experimental, avant-garde Uranus in Taurus. With both planets whirling through your first house of identity, you might struggle to remember your own first name—or finally allow an alter ego to emerge. There’s fun to be had with trying on different “personas” for a day. And with the Sun and Jupiter—two showboaters if ever there were—egging you on, the character who emerges could become legendary. Where would the world be without Taurus gems like Cher and Liberace? Might as well give them a run for their leather and gold lame.

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