GETTING TO KNOW MacKenna Dressel MVL H.S., Sr.
Interview conducted
by Ari Selvey
MacKenna Dressel hits leadoff for the MVL Chargers softball team and has been part of their 3-game win streak, including a sweep of Buffalo Lake-Hector-Stewart
on Tuesday.
Q: What is your favorite
ice cream flavor?
A: I like vanilla because you can put anything on it.
Q: Where is your dream vacation spot?
A: Hawaii. I like being
by the beach.
Q: What is your favorite month of the the year?
A: Either June or December, because my birthday is in June and Christmas is December.
Q: What is a hobby you have outside of sports?
A: I really like to paint.
Q: What is your
favorite food?
A: I don’t really have a favorite. Maybe pizza.