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Sports aren’t just for kids: The benefits of adult sports leagues



Sports aren’t just for kids: The benefits of adult sports leagues

The weather is warmer, and many are itching to enjoy the sunshine.  

In Minnesota, there’s a recreational team for just about every sport you can imagine — and you most likely don’t need to travel far to find them.

MPR News guest host Dan Kraker and his guests are talked about ways to get active and play the sports you love as an adult, whether you’re a total beginner or an all-out fanatic. 


  • Rick Gebhardt is the Board President of the Twin Cities Ultimate League.

  • Ryan Adams is the Soccer Director at Gray Ducks Soccer, Minnesota’s largest adult soccer club. Adams is a 10-year veteran organizer of community soccer and LGBTQ+ Athletics.

Ryan Adams, Soccer Director at Gray Ducks Soccer (left), and Rick Gebhardt, Board President of the Twin Cities Ultimate League (right) sit in an MPR News studio in St. Paul on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Nikhil Kumaran | MPR News

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