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Beast World’s Deadliest Threat Could Give Nightwing Even More Problems



Beast World’s Deadliest Threat Could Give Nightwing Even More Problems


  • Apex Ava poses a serious threat to Gotham City and its heroes, combining the powers of Beast Boy with the tactics of Kraven the Hunter.
  • Nightwing’s Beast World crossover brings forth a new villain who outmaneuvers heroes and orchestrates her own fight club.
  • Beast World’s aftermath introduces a resourceful adversary in Apex Ava, who escapes, promising to hunt Nightwing again in the future.

The Titans’ recent Beast World event proved more devastating to the DC Universe than anyone imagined. While the crossover did manage to establish the capabilities of Nightwing’s younger team (while confirming their qualifications to protect the world as one of its premier superhero teams), it came at the cost of many of the world’s citizens and heroes being transformed, Amanda Waller gaining even more power to carry out her nefarious plans, the near-death of Beast Boy, and the revelation of Raven’s dark side working against the heroes.

While the many issues associated with the event did little more than flesh out the existing story, the Beast World crossover in Nightwing #109-110 (by Tom Taylor and Sami Basri) introduced a unique villain outside the normal constraints of the tale: Apex Ava. One of the most fascinating new additions to the Nightwing (and by extension, Damian Wayne Robin) rogues gallery, Ava gives the heroes a nightmarish mirror version of Beast Boy, who also serves as DC’s answer to a popular Spider-Man villain.

Beast World’s Long-Lasting Effects

The ongoing repercussions of DC’s Titans-led crossover


Beast World Adds a Dark New Layer to a Titans’ Origin Story

DC Comics’ Beast World adds an extra layer of heartbreak to the origin story of the Titans’ most explosive member

Beast World began when the Titans’ Beast Boy adopted the form of the Justice League villain known as Starro the Conqueror to combat the threat of the alien Necrostar. However, the heroic Titans’ efforts were nullified when a new mystical villain named Doctor Hate secretly attacked the hero, causing him to lose control of his actions. This led to Beast Boy transforming into Garro and releasing spores upon the Earth that caused both normal and super-powered individuals to transform into vicious human/animal hybrids.

With some of Earth’s most powerful heroes and villains (such as Batman, Power Girl, and Black Adam) transformed into instant threats, Amanda Waller stepped in, gaining more authority from the United States president to engage the problem. However, it was later revealed that Waller was secretly working with Hate and masterminded the attack against Beast Boy that led to the chaos. Even worse, the government-sponsored villain enacted protocols that nearly cost the heroic Titan his life.

Beast World Introduced a Dangerous New Street-Level Villain

Nightwing introduced a new adversary in DC’s latest event

Apex Ava captures Damian Wayne's Robin.


10 Most Important Pieces Of Nightwing Lore New Readers Need to Know

From Nightwing’s time leading the Teen Titans to his various tenures as Batman, Dick Grayson has a rich history in DC Comics.

The Eisner award-winning Nightwing title was unique among the various crossovers associated with Beast World. It introduced an entirely new villain who will surely have a lasting effect on the DC Universe. The crossover begins with a backup story seen in issue #109, which features Damian Wayne’s Robin investigating a slew of disappearances in Gotham City as the event’s chaos spreads to Batman’s stomping grounds. Unfortunately, Gotham’s Dark Knight is indisposed, having been transformed into a man-wolf while fighting to protect Bludhaven beside Nightwing, leaving his son (and most complicated Robin) to investigate.

Damian’s investigation leads him to an underground area beneath the Gotham City Zoo, where he walks into the clutches of an all-new villain, Apex Ava, who has found a way to flourish amid the madness. Ava, who once suffered from the same disease that afflicted Beast Boy, was once a terminally ill patient of Arkham Asylum. When the spores of Garro were unleashed upon the world, one of them managed to get into her cell. However, Ava killed and devoured the spore instead of being infected, transforming into an unexpected new nemesis.

This issue (as well as the following) portrays Apex Ava as a serious threat, as she can subdue, transform, and control the son of Batman and the other citizens she has abducted and remade into participants of her very own fight club. Additionally, Ava possesses powers that combine the abilities of Beast Boy with the mindset of the Spider-Man villain Kraven the Hunter, in that she too is a predator – and she also can take on the form of any creature she has killed, which she uses to outmaneuver both Nightwing and Jon Kent’s Superman when her scheme is uncovered.

Apex Ava’s Return After Beast World

Gotham’s Newest Villain Needs to be Revisited

Apex Ava walks away from Nightwing.


Nightwing’s Complete Grayson Family Tree From Batman Comics

Dick Grayson was orphaned at a young age, but he discovered the truth about his family tree as Nightwing after he had joined the Batman Family.

Apex Ava’s Beast World debut ends with the villain pulling off a daring escape from Nightwing and Jon Kent’s Superman, marking her as a resourceful and tactical adversary. Her introduction also notably involves her besting Damian Wayne’s Robin, an impressive feat in and of itself. Damian is no pushover, and his sense of pride will no doubt lead to a second confrontation with Ava. This also sets the stage for her becoming a recurring nemesis for the Teen Wonder, similar to Shush, who was introduced last year in the early issues of Batman and Robin.

With Apex Ava operating in Gotham City, she may eventually cross paths with the Caped Crusader himself. Even though Batman has regularly faced powerful superhuman foes such as Killer Croc and Poison Ivy, Ava is sure to present Gotham’s Dark Knight with a worthy challenge, considering her impressive power-set and tactical mind. Additionally, Damian is sure to want to pursue her even though Beast World has concluded, and it is certainly along the line of possibility for him to enlist the assistance of his father.

Perhaps the biggest indicator of Apex Ava’s eventual return comes in the final issue of the crossover, Nightwing #110. In the issue, the titular hero insists on the villain facing justice for her crimes. Ava responds by telling him that they will meet again and that she looks forward to hunting him right before she transforms into an eagle to make her escape. The current run of this series has already introduced several interesting elements into the life of Nightwing, and Apex Ava appears to be the latest.


All the Major DC Heroes Infected in Titans: Beast World

The Titans’ Beast World crossover has led to several DC superheroes being transformed into monstrous versions of themselves.

Even though she only has two appearances, Apex Ava has already proven a formidable adversary for anyone she faces. In addition to possessing the shape-shifting powers of Beast Boy, Ava also has a tactical and resourceful mind, alongside a Kraven the Hunter-like desire to hunt both animals and humans. She has chosen Gotham City as her hunting ground, although this might change due to her desire to hunt down Nightwing.

Additionally, Apex Ava has already made waves in the superhero community with her fearless assault, capture, and manipulation of Robin. The situation will become even more complicated if the heroic Beast Boy learns of his involvement in creating this new threat. Ava has all the trappings of a great new addition to the rogues galleries of Nightwing and Damian Wayne and is far too interesting and intriguing to be relegated to the status of a simple, one-hit villain.

Titans: Beast World #1 cover showing the Titans rushing in as Necrostar's eye watches ominously.

Titans: Beast World

Tom Taylor

Ivan Reis

Danny Miki

Brad Anderson


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