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I dined on my first tasting menu on a recent trip to Panama. The splurge is my new favorite way to explore as a solo traveler.



I dined on my first tasting menu on a recent trip to Panama. The splurge is my new favorite way to explore as a solo traveler.

I stepped into the dimly lit Intimo Restaurante in Panama City. For the next two-and-a-half hours, I’d feast on local ingredients sourced across the country in dishes like shrimp crudo and octopus guacho, a Panamanian rice specialty.

Unlike every other restaurant experience I’ve had, I didn’t pick a single dish that was placed in front of me.

This was my first night in the country, and it was also my very first tasting menu.

When it comes to traveling, food is one of my favorite ways to explore. It could be a street stall selling takoyaki in Tokyo or tasting an Australian childhood dish complete with rainbow sprinkles. Regardless of cost, I’ve discovered that food is how people express themselves, their country’s history, and traditions.

When it came to exploring Panama, trying local cuisines and ingredients was top of mind, so I kicked things off with a chef’s selection menu.

The bar at Intimo Restaurante.

The bar at Intimo Restaurante.

Monica Humphries/Business Insider

The restaurant’s dishes highlighted local ingredients

Like its name, Intimo Restaurante is intimate. There are only three tables, a small outdoor patio, and a long chef’s bar. In total, the restaurant accommodates 28 diners.

I sat at the bar, and moments after getting settled, the restaurant’s bartender introduced himself and asked me what I would like to drink.

He explained that the restaurant didn’t have a bar menu. Instead, there was a selection of wines and liquors. He could make me a traditional cocktail, or I could tell him my preferences, and he would create a personalized drink instead.

After sharing that I’d like something refreshing and a bit tart, a lychee cocktail appeared in front of me. I never would’ve requested it, but it was exactly what I wanted.

A custom cocktail at the Intimo Restaurante.

A custom cocktail at the Intimo Restaurante.

Monica Humphries/Business Insider

Then, the restaurant’s chef, Carlos “Chombolín” Alba, stopped by to introduce himself, welcome me to Intimo, and ask if I had any food allergies, something he does for every guest.

He explained that Intimo serves traditional Panamanian ingredients that are often creatively reimagined in dishes. He said 90% of the restaurant’s ingredients are locally sourced, which means the menu changes throughout the year to highlight peak produce.

Alba walked me through the menu and outlined the evening’s chef’s section, which includes five small plates from the menu. It was what I planned on ordering.

Then he mentioned tartare, and my heart sank. I typically eat a pescatarian diet, and while I sometimes try meat dishes when traveling to new countries, tartare isn’t something I can currently get behind.

Thankfully, Alba said he could swap the tartare for another dish. He offered a shrimp substitute, which I happily accepted.

I sat back and watched the kitchen staff create dishes for the two dozen guests in the room.

Side-by-side courses of the chef's selection.

Side-by-side courses of the chef’s selection.

Monica Humphries/Business Insider

After a few minutes, my first course arrived. A waitress walked me through all the ingredients in the tuna dish, which included “pastrami-cured” tuna in leche de tigre, a Peruvian citrus-based marinade for ceviche.

This was and remained the high point of the night for me. The tuna was fresh, and a crispy, crunchy corn garnish was the perfect texture balance.

Next was the shrimp crudo, followed by grilled tomatoes from Panama’s Boquete region. The main dish was octopus guacho, a traditional Panamanian dish complemented with Caribbean sofrito.

Finally, a dessert mousse paired with amaretto ice cream.

The service was timed flawlessly. I didn’t feel rushed, but I wasn’t longing for my next meal. Plus, an open kitchen meant I got to watch each dish being crafted.

As a solo traveler, it’s also the ideal opportunity to try multiple dishes in one sitting

Not having someone to share appetizers, mains, and dessert with is easily my least favorite part about dining alone. While I want to try as many dishes as possible, I don’t want to waste food and simply don’t always have the space in my stomach.

The tasting menu was a great way to solve this dilemma. Since each dish was smaller than the typical portion, I saved money, didn’t waste food, and had just enough room to polish off all five plates.

Plus, a tasting menu took the stress out of ordering. I spend far too long eyeing menus, debating what dishes to try, and leaving with regrets over what I did and didn’t pick.

I’ll admit that not every course on Intimo’s tasting menu catered to my preferences; next time, I’ll order the bass in Caribbean curry over the guacho. But the tasting menu encouraged me to try new dishes that I may not have ordered on my own, and thankfully, most dishes, like the roasted tomatoes, left my tastebuds happily surprised.

Altogether, the meal cost $83 with a tip. For me, that’s a splurge, but it was worth every penny.

The restaurant’s staff was welcoming, which was a lovely introduction to meeting Panamanians. The ingredients were fresh, the ideal way to learn about a region. And the meals were delicious, which was a great kickoff to the next eight days of dining across Panama.

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