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Days after explosion, many downtown businesses are welcoming customers back



Days after explosion, many downtown businesses are welcoming customers back

After the initial explosion Tuesday at the Realty Building in Youngstown officials blocked the entrances to Youngstown, and urged people to steer clear of downtown Youngstown for awhile. 

 A day later the permieter was reduced to an area just around the scene itself, but business downtown remains slow. 


But today hundreds turned out the annual clean up, and there are hopes this big show of suppport will send a message that downtown is safe.


During Youngstown Cityscape about 900 hundred men, women, and children helped beautify downtown Youngstown. including Councilwoman Samantha Turner and her son. 


She wants people to understand there is no reason to feel nervous about enjoying your favorite restaurants, the museum, and events downtown. 


“I want people to know this was an isolated incident to the Realty Tower. This is not something rippling throughout downtown, so downtown is safe,” Youngstown Councilwoman Samantha Turner said.



At the Mocha House a few blocks from the blast they had some cancellations and business was slower on what was supposed to be a busy weekend.  


The owners say there is plenty of parking. Plus they want customers to know they’re open with great coffee, tasty desserts, and food to enjoy. 


“We’ve been here every day. We were here the day of the explosion and every day since. It is ok. I know our city leaders definitely wouldn’t let us come back if it wasn’t safe,” Mocha House Co-Owner Kalli Georgalos said. 


Most businesses downtown are still open.


There is just a small area that you need to avoid near Federal Street and Market, near the building that exploded due to a cut gas line.


The city is hiring a structural engineer to determine if it will be safe for residents to go inside Realty Tower to get things they need.


Meantime City Leaders are working with affected residents to get essential items replaced. 


“Right now we’re also trying out how to get them their essential identification needs, your birth certificate, your driver’s  license, your social security card. We are trying to partner with our Health Department as well as BMV, on how we can get those identifications for those residents,” Councilwoman Turner added. 


Double Tree by Hilton is closed, and the Bistro Restaurant inside the hotel is also closed for now. 

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