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Fort Kent’s Trash to Treasure Fashion



Fort Kent’s Trash to Treasure Fashion

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (WAGM) -Fort Kent High School had some fun today when students from the Elementary School showcased their Trash to Treasure Fashion Show. Fourteen students from Stacy Belanger’s second grade class spent weeks working on the performance. Creating costumes and memorizing poetry they recited. Fort Kent High School saw a large crowd at the Trash to Treasure Fashion Show. Teachers, students, and parents showed up to support these kids’ hard work. Stacy Belanger, the second-grade teacher, says one of the reasons they hold this event is to promote recycling during the class’s unit on the Earth.

Belanger said, “This is a huge event that I’ve been doing for probably 12 to 13 years now. Prior to the show they have probably about a month to pull their costumes together, get their poetry in line, and start to recite the poem. Costumes are all about personal choice. They work with their parents to construct these costumes. Most of them are made out of recycled materials. It’s pretty amazing to see the end product of what they’ve come up with. We have to keep in mind they’re seven years old so most of them had extreme butterflies. So, for them to have rocked it like they did, I couldn’t be more proud.”

But with such a large crowd the students were understandably nervous. Alivia Babin, a student at Fort Kent Elementary School said, “I was very very scared before I started practicing but we started practicing and I was confident and brave. I was nervous at start to go out there but when I started to go out there more I was very confident.”

Joseph Nadeau who dressed as a baseball card said, “At first, I was a bit shy but then I had tons of people clapping. I had some friends supporting me, so I didn’t feel that bad after all.”

Rebecca Kelly, another participant said, “Ms. Daisy said just listen to the music and then your butterflies will go away. “

The students had a variety of costumes to show off. Some dressed like food, some like toys, and one even dressed as a scoreboard. Each student had their own reason for their choice of outfit. Nadeau, “I was wearing the baseball card because baseball’s my favorite sport.”

Kelly, “My dad really likes trucks, and he wanted me to make a truck like his and the thing that I like about it is everything.”

Babin, “I wanted to make a pizza because I love pizza.” Belanger says she plans this event at the end of the school year to help boost the confidence of the second graders before the head off to the third grade. Karri Triplett NewsSource8.

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